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By Birthday blues - 13/12/2018 22:00

Today, it's my birthday. I lit my birthday candles on the cake I made myself and blew them out alone, while my worthless husband sat on the couch stuffing Doritos in his face. My present? He sprayed Lysol in the bathroom after he took a dump. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 045
You deserved it 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know people say this on FML all the time, but do what you need to do to be okay financially and otherwise (place to stay, etc) and leave this guy behind. You don’t deserve life with this jackass. You know that, right?

Time to throw out the whole man and get a new one.


Time to throw out the whole man and get a new one.

she doesn't need a new one. she'll probably be happier man free. maybe once she realizes her worth she can find someone who knows how to act.

I know people say this on FML all the time, but do what you need to do to be okay financially and otherwise (place to stay, etc) and leave this guy behind. You don’t deserve life with this jackass. You know that, right?

sorry your husband is an ass, you deserve better. Happy birthday

Sweetie, you need to get out of there. Don't throw your life away for this lazy excuse of a man.

blackbird8 10

I'm so sorry. You deserve better. Today's my mom's birthday, and I gave my dad two cake options and asked him which one she would prefer. He had no idea. He said he had no idea if she even ate cake. They've been together for 30 years and he doesn't know anything about her; he doesn't pay attention to her, and he expects her to wait on him hand and foot 24/7. The last present he got for her was a necklace, when they had their first child...over 25 years ago. Nothing for birthdays, and nothing for Christmases, except for their first Christmas together. He got her a vacuum cleaner. Meanwhile, he expects pomp and fanfare for his birthday. The only thing my mom doesn't do for him? Wipe his ass. She's told me that she'll never leave him because she's scared of being alone. Please know that you are a wonderful human being and you deserve the world. You should be with someone who knows that. Don't make the same mistake of accepting him and living a sad and lonely life like my mom has. It's depressing to see, and it's heartbreaking knowing my mom is treated like crap. (If you don't have kids with this guy, leaving will be even easier. Just do it.)

Um, wouldn’t this be a separate FML… of your DAD’S?

sparx1_1 12

Sounds like you should be having this conversation first with your father "Hey dad, why do you treat mom like shit?" and then finish with your mother "Hey mom unless you die first, you're going to be alone anyway. Leave now, while you still have a chance to be happy."

blackbird8 10

Yeah, I've tried. Dad's a POS who has never and will never change. He's self aware enough to realize that he sucks, but he's shitty enough that he doesn't care. And as far as my mom goes, she feels like she's a failure for picking him but she literally doesn't want to die alone. Now that my grandparents are getting older, she's starting to seriously worry about that. I'll never be able to change her mind, and he'll never leave her (even though all he does is complain about her) because he couldn't support himself on his own. Want an update on my mom's birthday? We were going to go out for a family dinner, until my dad pulled her aside for a 'private word.' That resulted in no dinner, no cake, and no presents. He's great at creating toxic environments when he feels like he's not getting enough attention. I just went and told my mom that I made her a cake and she got teary eyed and said we'd eat it together, tomorrow. Aka when dipsh*t isn't here. Oh, and I had to HIDE her birthday cake from him, because he's an inconsiderate pig and would literally eat the whole thing in the middle of the night.

that.. that is abusive. What could he possibly have said to stop you all going to dinner??

cptncuttlefish 24

Your father is an abusive monster. Get out of there with your mother in tow. I know she’ll hate it but... no one deserves to live like this. Especially not a mother who has tried so hard for years.

And how long have you been married? If not long, ok, but if for years and things have been going like this for awhile, then it’s definitely a YDI.

Leviathene 34

That's a crock of bull. Why is it only an FML if they've been together a short time? Its worse the longer you are with a person, BECAUSE THAT'S ALL YOU KNOW. Its hard to be independent when you are with someone for a long time and hard to make that choice to leave as a result of that lack of independence. A bit of empathy goes a long way dude.