Happy Insomnia Day!

By Morgannaken - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my mum woke me up before seven in the morning on a Saturday so I could open my birthday presents. I'm an insomniac and I had just fallen asleep. I wasn't even awake yet and she yelled at me to be more enthusiastic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 319
You deserved it 4 140

Top comments

For all the people who are calling the OP ungrateful or a bitch and that she can just go to sleep when she's done opening presents...you do realize that she actually cannot. That what insomnia is, lacking the ability to fall asleep just because one wants to. This was the OP's birthday, that means she should have the right to do what she wants on this day, even if it is sleeping(Something that would be precious to an actual insomniac). Of course since I'm guessing most of you don't actually understand what the Op's going through, you'll just idiotically insult her throughout saying she should be grateful.

My mom pulled that shit, too. Completely invade your space, disrupt your routine, then you get an earful of "It's your birthday, BE HAPPY!"


South_Park_Shay 0

Oh man, that sucks. Happy birthday though :)

Your mom loves you and enjoys giving you things. Stop being a bitch.

jw90 18

I feel ya OP I'm an insomniac to and my ma wakes me up at 730 and I'll have fallen asleep at 630 and she won't let me go back to sleep. it effing bites.

OP, I truly do feel you. I take quite natrual, mild sleeping pills to be able to sleep "normally", prescribed by my doctor. Maybe that could help you. Either way, FYL.

jw90 18

but on the other hand feel grate you get presents for your birthday.

For all the people who are calling the OP ungrateful or a bitch and that she can just go to sleep when she's done opening presents...you do realize that she actually cannot. That what insomnia is, lacking the ability to fall asleep just because one wants to. This was the OP's birthday, that means she should have the right to do what she wants on this day, even if it is sleeping(Something that would be precious to an actual insomniac). Of course since I'm guessing most of you don't actually understand what the Op's going through, you'll just idiotically insult her throughout saying she should be grateful.

coffee_addict7 0

Exactly. I can't believe so many commenters have no sympathy for the OP.

LemonFairy 0

Thank you #24. You can't just "go back to bed" when you have insomnia. And if you've just gotten to bed (after what could have even been a few days) being woken up, no matter the mother's good intentions, is probably the worst thing that could happen. FYL OP. Happy belated birthday, though. :/

usernamejoe 0



Would you have been happier if your mom forgot your birthday?

A lot of people think they are insomniacs when they actually aren't.

And you have no idea whether or not the OP is one of them so there's no reason to be rude and skeptical about this.

my dad arrived back from overseas at about 6am on my 18th birthday. i took am an insomniac and as much as i love and had missed my dad, i've had years to see him since and so did not get up early to go to the air port and see him arrive and slept until a reasonable time before waking and going as seeing him. I see it as, it's my birthday, and it should be a good day that i don't spend sleep deprived and feeling ill and headachy like i do when i don't get enough sleep.