Happy Insomnia Day!

By Morgannaken - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my mum woke me up before seven in the morning on a Saturday so I could open my birthday presents. I'm an insomniac and I had just fallen asleep. I wasn't even awake yet and she yelled at me to be more enthusiastic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 319
You deserved it 4 140

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For all the people who are calling the OP ungrateful or a bitch and that she can just go to sleep when she's done opening presents...you do realize that she actually cannot. That what insomnia is, lacking the ability to fall asleep just because one wants to. This was the OP's birthday, that means she should have the right to do what she wants on this day, even if it is sleeping(Something that would be precious to an actual insomniac). Of course since I'm guessing most of you don't actually understand what the Op's going through, you'll just idiotically insult her throughout saying she should be grateful.

My mom pulled that shit, too. Completely invade your space, disrupt your routine, then you get an earful of "It's your birthday, BE HAPPY!"


jj890 0

How sad. I get presents for my birthday. I'm sure you'd never hear a starving child in India complain about this bullsh*t.

Stop twisting OPs words. NOWHERE did OP complain about getting presents, they were saying that their mother could have handled the situation better. When you have a sleeping disorder, it is the worst feeling ever to be woken up once you have FINALLY fallen asleep. Of course OP tried to be happy once they found out why they were woken up, but it is hard to fake enthusiasm when you are exhausted, groggy, and being yelled at.

Stop doing so much Meth and maybe u'll be able to sleep

I have insomnia too. it sucks. that happened to me at my friends house. -_-

#24.... OP btw, I would've "accidentally" pissed my mom of if something like that happened to me. Hang in there. Happy B-day btw! :)

jeez people. your so mean, if she could go back to sleep after the presents she wouldn't have insomnia. duh. but if you choose to stay up that late you deserve it. and yes it sucks but be happy you have a mother like that. fyl but be appreciative.

ReturnOfTheRat 6

I'm sorry bout that OP, i understand what youre feeling. Going off self diagnoses, I could suffer from insomnia but whether it is or not I do have sleeping problems. Anywho I'm sorry, try using melatonin supplements to get on a good sleep where you won't be miserable at 7am. Happy birthday?

Wish my mom was alive to wake me up. ON MY BIRTHDAY!

TallMist 32

So, you're saying it's wrong for OP to be upset about getting woken up on her birthday and yelled at for not being fully awake almost immediately, when OP is an insomniac and her mom should know better, all because your mom is dead? Makes no sense to me.

be greatfull at least you got a gift. I didn't even get a card

Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep. I'd be mad too.