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Happy Thanksgiving, sort of

By guy - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my entire family came over for Thanksgiving. It went pretty well, only four family members got in a fistfight and only one cop car was called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 485
You deserved it 2 388

Top comments

stormer461 13

Sounds like a grand old time. I only wish I was there.

Well, the last piece of pumpkin pie is a worthy reason to get into a fist fight...


stormer461 13

Sounds like a grand old time. I only wish I was there.

n_epic_fail 14

As long as a swat team wasn't called in you can call it a diverse.

blackheart24 10

I bet family reunions are fun too?

n_epic_fail 14

Diverse? Damn iPod! *Success*

llamalpaca382 13

38, you just made my day. Thank you very much :) They shouldn't have had that Pabst Blue Ribbon >_>

Is anybody else wondering how much cops usually show up at op's house to consider this a success

blackheart24 10
MeeshaMeeshaPup 8

Similar things happen at my family reunions. Except the cops are not needed and my grandma eggs all the fights on between my relatives. My family is so dysfunctional that we haven't had a reunion in years.

whybother8 0
Strafeh 9

You through annual fist-a-thons? Then laugh like a 10 year old when you say that out loud?

detroitsucks247 3
FMLandurstoo 9

I wish I was lucky enough to only get one cop come to me.

Your picture fits perfect with that comment!

Well, the last piece of pumpkin pie is a worthy reason to get into a fist fight...

tsim_fml 0

Wow... with my parties, all four of my grandparents get wasted.... Who's is more crazy?

Holy what? Christ? Crap? Shit? ****? God? Spirit? Ghost? Night? Penis? KaySL?

For ***** sake, you edited your comment. Now I have a useless comment now above... :(

Your family is awesome. I wish my family was as entertaining :/

FYLDeep 25

Sounds crazier than today's Packer game. There was a damn penalty on every other play., you don't have any Detroit Lions in your family, do you?

I personally would've used "Crazier than Ndamukong Suh". That man is a beast and I dislike The Packers, but that guy is an animal.

GO LIOnS. nndamakong suh is a beast, but he really needs to control himself!! he said he lost his balance... really?

FYLDeep 25

They really did look like a gang of thugs out there. Suh should be suspended for his repeat offenses.