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Hard no, thanks

By 3rd wheel, 2nd dick - 26/07/2018 06:00

Today, my best friend asked if I'd join him and his girlfriend for a 3-way. Since I've always had a crush on his girlfriend, I eagerly agreed. When I got there, I learned that their idea of a 3-way was them watching me jerk off while I watched them have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 670
You deserved it 2 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah if you joined a couple for a threesome and none of you laid down any ground rules beforehand, this would have gone wrong either way, trust me. Spontaneity is all good and well but you should agree on the basics (which forms of sex are ok and which aren't, how will you handle this before and afterwards,...) before losing the clothes.

Donut_Wizard 23

Just ignore the people behind the two way mirror. And don’t argue with the referee or his gorilla.


You need to bring your own ideas like DP and Eiffel Tower. Maybe if you gave them a good wanking show, they’d let you in on the main action. Think of it as an audition.

Donut_Wizard 23

Just ignore the people behind the two way mirror. And don’t argue with the referee or his gorilla.

Where is the me too movement when you need it

So basically jacking off to a real life porno happening right in front of you?

Yeah if you joined a couple for a threesome and none of you laid down any ground rules beforehand, this would have gone wrong either way, trust me. Spontaneity is all good and well but you should agree on the basics (which forms of sex are ok and which aren't, how will you handle this before and afterwards,...) before losing the clothes.

A man having sex, a woman having sex, and a man wanking. Definitely sounds like 3 ways to me.


Well, that sucks - or maybe it did not.

I suspect one or both of the couple chickened out about really having a 3-way by the time 3rd wheel, second dick got there.

Mungolikecandy 19

I suppose from your point of view that may be better than if he planned a bit of action with you whilst his girlfriend watched,

You deserve it for wanting your best friends gf. You sir is an ass.