Help needed

By Anonymous - 10/02/2022 11:59

Today, my daughter got her first period, so I went and got some products for her, certain that I knew what was needed. The lady cashier took one look in my basket and sympathetically asked if it was my daughter's first period and if I wanted help, since I clearly had no idea what I was doing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 081
You deserved it 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you're a guy, so good for you for trying. also it was very nice of her to want to help out

Trust me dude, even though you felt embarrassed in the moment, you absolutely, 100% get points for trying at least. It’s better to be the dad who’s well-meaning but didn’t know all the details for someone who’s just started having their period vs someone who’s been having it for a while than to be the dad that goes “idk, ask your aunt/grandma/friend’s mom, I don’t want anything to do with it”


I'm guessing you're a guy, so good for you for trying. also it was very nice of her to want to help out

Trust me dude, even though you felt embarrassed in the moment, you absolutely, 100% get points for trying at least. It’s better to be the dad who’s well-meaning but didn’t know all the details for someone who’s just started having their period vs someone who’s been having it for a while than to be the dad that goes “idk, ask your aunt/grandma/friend’s mom, I don’t want anything to do with it”

What the heck did you put in the basket? In any pharmacy I've been, nobody bats an eye whether you put old-timey non-stick pads without the belt you need to wear them, a Diva cup, cotton wool, heavy-duty plasters, duct tape and cheese cloth, chocolate-covered cherries, hockey goalie pads, or all of the above.

wikkedGurl 2

Let women handle women things it’s not for u dude