Help yourself

By danielle1575 - 24/06/2021 04:01 - United States

Today, my older, pill-addicted brother, came over to visit with me. After he left, I realized all my Vicodin was gone. I got my wisdom teeth removed two hours ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 089
You deserved it 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Remember that addiction Is a pathological thing. He probably came on purpose, knowing that OP would have strong pain meds in the house since they had had surgery.

if you file a police report, the Dr may be able to replace them. you should have locked them up, not sure what you were expecting. that's exactly why he came over


debbyman13 21

Unless he forced himself into the house, perhaps he could have visited another time, since you are aware of his pill addiction

Remember that addiction Is a pathological thing. He probably came on purpose, knowing that OP would have strong pain meds in the house since they had had surgery.

debbyman13 21

Sure but she* could always tell him to come back another time. Hard thing to remember all that when you’re on pain meds though. I just enjoy playing devil’s advocate

knowing him, you should have hidden it, duh! but that still sucks. sorry.

if you file a police report, the Dr may be able to replace them. you should have locked them up, not sure what you were expecting. that's exactly why he came over

for future reference, if you know you have pills in the house, keep them on you or literally locked up if someone known to have an issue comes to visit. this is going to suck for you because you won't be able to get more.

Sucks to be you, but I would call the police, report him, and have him arrested. When one of my nephews was addicted to drugs, anytime he came over, we locked everything of value up and he wasn’t allowed to wander the house alone and not allowed to wear anything that had pockets.

People addicted to such pills. Pills way too expensive for people needing them. Poor USA.

If this is new to you, I imagine you did not realize he was capable of this. But I hope you realize now the truth is he came over at this time because pill addicts would be hyper-aware that you'd have drugs after surgery and planned to take them. Like others have said, keep your valuables locked up in the future. I'm sorry this happened to you.

You can get another round of painkillers if you talk to your dentist but they probably won't do shit without a police report.