
By clip_kate - 01/07/2016 02:36

Today, I went to the store, but after I'd selected my items, I saw that I'd forgotten my wallet. When I tried to explain to the cashier, he thought that I was trying to steal and called the cops. My roommate had to come to the store to save me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 295
You deserved it 1 400

Same thing different taste

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"That'll be thirty seven dollars and eighty one cents." "Okay. …Actually, I think my wallet is at home. Could I run back and grab it? If you need me to, I'll put the ite—" "STOP! THEIF! COPS! HERE, COPS, I'M CALLING YOUUUU!" "Look, I'm not taking anything with me! How is that thievery? I'm just going to leave!" "YOU CAN'T LEAVE! You have to stay here, stealing these items until the cops or a roommate come!"

Why would the cashier assume you were trying to steal stuff by forgetting your wallet. Makes no sense


Coffee5555 14

that makes no sense at all...

No one with the intent to steal will announce it in such a way... There's loss prevention, then there's loss paranoia.

So, would that make you an honest thief? Don't rip a hole in the space/time continuum, please.

Those already exist though. I believe we call them lawyers.

So that wouldn't be used car salesmen either then.

What a dumb cashier. When I worked retail we'd have at LEAST 3 people a day who forgot their wallets at home or in the car, its a super common occurrence and none of them used it as an excuse to steal. The people you should be watching for theft are those that come in large groups and/or carry large bags with them.

If you did something such as holding a small item and reaching into your pocket it could be he thought you were smuggling the item out but other than that I see no reason why the cashier thought to do that quite overreactive if I do say so.

tiredofwaiting 25

I had something similar happen to me. Not worth the embrassment.

stealing is only after you cross the cash register line or the threshold of the door. until then they cant do anything unless they clain you are hiding merchandise on your person. i hope the cops explained that to them

The only logical explanation I can think of (and it's still a bit far fetched) is that the cashier gets some sort of bonus check for "preventing" theft. The store I work at will give you a small percentage of the recovered merchandise value which can be quite a bit of money.. However I doubt 15% of anything at a convenience store would amount to much. Either way, the cashier sounds ******* stupid. FYL, OP

Well, if the cashier's stupid enough to think someone who brought their items up to the register, had them scanned, and was planning to pay was intent on thieving, life must already be really hard for his tiny brain.

Hopefully the cashier was fired or fined for wasting police time. No theft had occurred and if they were worried they should have just told you to leave the store. Seriously what an idiot.

I used to love it when they just told me to leave the store cause then I didn't have to go through the whole "fake paying for things" part. It's the worst thing for stores to do when they think you're stealing but it cuts the job in half for the theifs