
By Jeff Turner - 20/12/2022 06:00 - United States

Today, I was preparing to leave my campsite when I noticed that my neighbors were trying to put up a canopy. I walked over and said, "Do you need a hand?" Then I noticed the man had a prosthetic hook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 876
You deserved it 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he say "Yes?" In either case, it looks like you're... ...on the hook to help him put up the canopy.

He's missing a hand, and now you've put your foot in your mouth you're basically on equal terms. Just remember to chew before you swallow.


Did he say "Yes?" In either case, it looks like you're... ...on the hook to help him put up the canopy.

He's missing a hand, and now you've put your foot in your mouth you're basically on equal terms. Just remember to chew before you swallow.