Hi, how are you?

By kaz89 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I overheard a conversation between a coworker and a new employee. The new girl was trying to get familiar with people's names, and she asked my coworker, "Which one is Heather?" He answered, "The annoying one." She said, "Oh, that's Heather." I'm Heather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 969
You deserved it 8 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should sleep with all the guys in your office so you can be known as the slutty girl insted of the annoying girl.


yeaaa, sounds like its ur fault if even the new girl picked up on that

OP, don't be annoying and you won't get a reputation like that. Truth hurts, doesn't it, princess? Just don't become a hosebag and you won't get "****" as a nickname like the one Heather I know.

salaam, you're generalizing that all Heathers are ***** because the one Heather you know is a ****? Just remember, all generalizations are wrong. ALL of them.

Isn't that a generalisation in itself, Doc? I guess it's that hypocrites oath shining through..

Cloud - of course it is. That's why I said it. :)

Completely bypassed the hippocratic oath parody there.. Nicely done.

randiZ25 0

trivial high school drama don't let it bother you op can't please everyone

so i know what you mean when you say op but what exactly does it stand for?

YesSelam 0

So, your life is ******...because you heard someone say your annoying? Life's too short. Who cares what people say?

rasellersjr 0

^ Rule #1 for being annoying. "Who cares what people say". Not saying that makes you annoying, that would be generalizing, but I imagine it would would have to be. Let's say for example, you fart in public, constantly wheeze while you breath through tour teeth (that never get brushed), and flick boogers at random strangers. You obviously don't care what people think/say. I doubt she is that extreme, it's just an example. Most annoying people I've met just don't know when to shut their trap, or lack the ability to filter what comes out of their mouth.

TerrorDollie 0

You must be annoying assss fuckkkk!

Gloritank 8

It's just people you work with. So who cares?

wolftastic 0

bitch, take your shirt off will ya?

YourWetDream 0

I'll admit I'm annoying! Don't be so hard on yourself for being annoying...who cares? I mean really this should be on mylifeisaverage.com

YourWetDream 0

Why was my comment moderated? I didn't say anything bad...haters

They were moderated due to advertising and juvenile insults towards the moderation team, both of which are warned against in the commenting rules :-)

YourWetDream 0

I'm sorry but I don't think I insulted anyone. And I deff. didn't advertise a thing. There are plenty of people on here that have made worst comments than me