How can I help you today?

By Anonymous - 24/06/2009 05:41 - Canada

Today, I was working Customer Service at Walmart. An elderly lady came to my register to return a pair of white pants. I asked her what was wrong with them and she replied, "Even when I had underwear on you could still see my pubic hair." The pants had hair on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 455
You deserved it 3 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That image is so disturbing to near suicidal levels.

netbeui435 3


That image is so disturbing to near suicidal levels.

What happens in Walmart, stays in Walmart Today, I got ready to stay over at my boyfriend's house. I brought food, new lingerie, and I got a bikini wax. I did stay overnight, but I was holding a bucket for him because he had gastroenteritis. FML

zee209 0

Oh retail :) Funny times though.

FML isn't big enough for the both of us.

netbeui435 3

but i thought their employees got to sit around eating caviar all day

forgettingsunday 0

caviar? the ****... walmart has absolutely no class. I would say they sit around eating doritos all day, not caviar.

Welcome to walmart... Get your shit and get iut

and that means your life is ******? pretty weak tolerance level. yes, it is gross, but not I have a feeling you will get over it

You could say that for all of the FMLs on here.

Wow, that was way more information than anyone would need. If I were you I'd never ask again why someone is returning an item... "even when she had underwear on"... as if that's not the normal way of being dressed.

ASUmeg 0

A lot of retail places unfortunately need a reason to know why something is being returned, i.e. if it's damaged. In this case, I would definitely damage out the pube pants

nah, chuck them back into the shelves, see who's the unlucky mofo to get it!!!

erroneousx2 0

If she doesn't want it seen, you'd think she'd trim it a little, eh?

:O Ewwww!! Ughh, this is why I should never eat while reading fml's >>