Incognito IRL

By Stressed out mom - 07/03/2018 01:30

Today, my daughter confessed that she’s pregnant from a one-night stand with some guy she met on vacation in Florida a few months ago. The dirtbag never told her his last name and the phone number he gave her was fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 154
You deserved it 3 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

clairecurses 19

it's not completely his fault...

How is he dirt bag? Maybe she shouldn't have slept with someone she just met and knew nothing about it. Or was too stupid to even use a condom.


How is he dirt bag? Maybe she shouldn't have slept with someone she just met and knew nothing about it. Or was too stupid to even use a condom.

*not use I wish there was an edit option

Who's to say they didn't use one? It's not always 100% effective.

The fake phone number and not giving a last name makes him a dirt bag. He knew pregnancy could be a result from the sex but he made sure it's practically impossible for her to contact him about it.

The_candyman 13

he could have been thinking she was on the pill. maybe she should have gotten that information before sex. she has to take responsibility for her actions

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TinScarecrow 15

I don't see anyone calling the daughter names

The_candyman 13

Unless she was raped, she did it willingly and is responsible for it as well as the guy. the mother just wants to call the guy an ass hole and act like her daughter is the innocent one.

Nothing wrong with sleeping around AS LONG AS YOU USE PROTECTION. Which the daughter and her one night stand didn't use, clearly. The daughter needs some education about protection. I hope she doesn't keep the because imo someone that can't handle something as simple as using protection definitely shouldn't take care of a child.

AzrielB 8

there's also something called "stealthing"

tounces7 27

The fact that she is an idiot, doesn't really make him less of a dirt-bag. He obviously knew that consequences could result, and made sure he couldn't be found when they happened.

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clairecurses 19

it's not completely his fault...

giving the fake number so if she does get pregnant and try to contact him is.

TinScarecrow 15

you're assuming that was the intention

Aurora25 29

Should have told her to use condoms or not sleep around

julfunky 29

There’s a good chance she DID tell her, she just didn’t listen.

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Woah, hey. Let’s back off the **** shaming here.

MamaChey 24

Timon442. You are absolutely inappropriate blaming the parent here. HUGE dbag comment. Dick

Tony K. 8

Well kids who make these stupid mistakes it's usually the parents fault. Not saying it's easy to parent cause I'm not a parent myself but usually the kid acts in a certain way because of how they were raised.

MamaChey 24

How do you turn one post into constantly sleeping around?

People are required to give real numbers and full names to every one night stand they have?

Mathalamus 24
tounces7 27

It's not the fact he didn't give her his number - it's the fact he intentionally gave her a fake one.

Why is it never a problem when women do it, but nearly criminal when it's the other way around??

This will be a fun one to explain to the kid when it gets older. Let's be honest here. She chose to participate in the one night stand. She wasn't on the pill and or probably didn't require he wore a condom. He didn't give her his last name but she also didn't ask for it. He might be a dirt bag but so is your daughter.

He's a dirt bag for lying, not for having a one night stand. Contrary to popular, puritanical belief, there's nothing wrong with one night stands as long as it's all consensual.

He didn't rape her. She chose to have a one night stand and he didn't want anymore contact. She had the choice to say no.

TinScarecrow 15

consensual AND responsible. clearly this was not

Damn these comments are ******* brutal. I agree that your daughter is DEFINITELY at fault here for being so irresponsible and just not mature enough to handle sexual situations, but the guy is definitely a ********. I’m not entirely sure people in the comments are so quick to bend over backwards for his defense. Your daughter shouldn’t have have one night stands and these things won’t happen, but the guy is not a victim. I think a few of these commenters are MGTOWs or stuffed the ‘red pill’ down their gullet. Aka everything is the woman’s fault. I say the two are equally shitty, and you probably have your share in this situation too for not teaching your daughter about being more responsible.

In a world where people are assholes and women can get pregnant everyone needs to take full responsibility for themselves. If that means calling that number right away to make sure it works, being on the pill when sexually active, requiring he wear a condom, providing that condom, it's on her or she's gonna regret it. Of course he's an asshole. But she should have known better.

"everyone needs to take full responsibility for themselves." You say "everyone" and then just list things women have to be responsible for and none for men. lol..

TinScarecrow 15

Considering the consequenses in this scenario are most definitely aimed directly at the girl the comment stands

PenguinPal3017 19

Women are the ones who get pregnant. Shocker. Never took sex ed?