Insecure tradlife

By Anonymous - 12/05/2024 15:00 - United States - Anaheim

Today, my boyfriend told me that in order for me to be considered for marriage, I need to prove that I can be a subservient woman. This includes signing over the deed to my house, my car, and all my banking assets, so that he can be “the man of the house.” I make 6 figures; he rents with roommates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 921
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully, he’s your very soon to be ex-boyfriend.


d j mom 7

is your now ex (hopefully) on crack?

Be glad he revealed what a shitty person he is so early on. Dodge that bullet.

That's the reddest red flag that ever redded.

BrizBurry 10

yeah you don't need to marry into that. not worth all the arguments there surely will be.

This guy is not alpha enough to be the provider in your couple. He doesn't deserve you or any feminine woman. Dump him like a used Kleenex.

cpguru24 16

I often wonder in amazement how some of you find these amazing male specimens.

Naked_Mango 3
Grincha 14

girl dont dooooo that relationship at aaaaall. get rid off him. pleaaaaaase