Introvert struggles
By knife knife - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Dalkeith
By knife knife - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Dalkeith
By Fifi - 01/09/2023 06:00
By Anonymous - 27/08/2019 18:00 - United States
By Godzilla’s wife - 28/12/2024 18:00 - United States - Orange
By SpooningLeadstoForking - 29/06/2017 00:00
By Anonymous - 07/04/2021 04:00 - United Kingdom
By WaitedOut - 03/10/2012 08:07 - United States - Saukville
By pplsuck - 25/09/2012 23:57 - United States - Fort Lauderdale
By germaphobe - 19/08/2021 20:59 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/06/2009 02:22 - United States
By Mouhahaa - 09/05/2012 03:48 - France
Completely assuming this based off of the context, but I think the OP was too tired/not in the mood for social interaction, and just found it easier in that moment to improvise rather than make the required niceties in order to obtain another fork. I can honestly sympathize, sometimes we have to be in a social setting when we really aren't up for it.
So saying "please" is too much of a social nicety for you ?
You've never been so tired that the effort of interacting with someone was too much for you? I want your life problems if that's the case.
Yea cause it doesn't look like your on drugs when you eat with two knives.
Whoopty shit. Piss off you grammar nazi
Why didn't you just ask for a fork? There's nothing embarrassing about asking for one.
I have a hard time feeling bad for someone who could've resolved the whole problem by asking a simple question.
@14: So this person managed to eat out on his own, order on his own and pay on his own but asking for an extra fork was too much? Yeah, I don't believe it.
Where did she imply that she was on her own? Maybe she was accommodating someone else's desire to go out.
#21 that is actually a possible situation. I have anxiety that sometimes prevents me from socializing for days. Once, I went to an interview and rocked the whole thing, but forgot my mittens at the interview and they still sit in the lost and found even though I'm currently working there. I am much to anxious to have walked back in the building, called later, or ask about them when I started working, or even now. And yet, I can go to work every day and do my job.
If you have anxiety, the moment something goes "off script", you just panic and can't move past it. It's easy to do something if you know what to expect, but when something changes that expectation, you're completely lost.
Wow, some people here just don't understand social anxiety. People with social anxiety aren't all hermits who stay in their houses and never leave. It doesn't mean they aren't capable whatsoever of talking to anyone. It means they are terrified of confrontational situations in varying degrees and it manifests differently in everyone. I have it so I know. I can force myself to go out when necessary and even talk to people if I am feeling brave. Social anxiety is an internal struggle and believe or not, it is possible to overcome it, even if it might be in small doses like going to a restaurant with a friend or by myself. That doesn't mean it stops the panicking or anxiety itself, it just means that a person refuses to be held back because of their disorder. Still, there can be limits. For example, if OP has social anxiety, she has already pushed herself enough to go out and order, but then she was faced with an unexpected dilemma which would require her to get someone's attention to talk to them. She didn't prepare for that. A lot of the time, I have to prepare myself and go through panic attacks before pushing myself to do anything social. I can't deal with impromptu socializing as well as I would like. So, again, stop judging. We all don't know if it was just embarrassment, social anxiety, or something else.
While that is true I doubt someone with social anxiety would go out If they're tired, I have social anxiety and while I push myself to go out to restaurants when I'm tired there is no way I can even function
You know, EVERY SINGLE TIME someone on FML does something that's easily preventable by opening their mouth and talking to people, there are the people in the comments defending them saying 'Oh god, you probably have social anxiety! Why is everyone being so insensitive?' I'm pretty sure if OP did have that condition, she would've mentioned it in the actual FML. She had more than enough characters left. Instead, she took the time to explain how she was tired, which would've been the least of her problems if she was a person with social anxiety stuck in a highly social situation.
37 - all I can say to that is, there's nothing wrong with showing sympathy and trying to see the reasons behind the action, rather than just see them as stupid or lacking common sense straight off the bat. I'm sorry you don't like comments like mine, but we'll just have to agree to disagree :) Have a good night!
I eat my peas with honey! I've done so all my life. They do taste kind of funny, but it keeps them in the knife. -BurmaShave
How very sharp of you, OP.
As a waitress my job is to ensure that every customer has what they need so your waiter should have noticed something.
Doesn't really qualify as a FML! does it?
Unless OP has a knife phobia?
Looks like somebody forked up