Is that it?

By Better not - 24/01/2018 20:00 - United States - Kenai

Today, while on vacation with my boyfriend, I decided it would be a good time to try getting intimate with him for the first time. It turns out his penis is so small that I get more enjoyment from a tampon applicator. We're stuck in this cabin for another five days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 270
You deserved it 2 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bigdaddyeric 35

Who goes on vacation with a dude for a week before trying out his junk? Plus if you’re going to dump him over that, he’s the lucky one....

Use toys? Try oral? There are more ways to get pleasure than just regular sex.


If it’s too small, then he’s probably not into you.

Darkshadus1 2

Whenever a woman told me I had a small penis I said "Then younwon't mind of I stick it is your a$$, you would be surprised on how many times they changed their tunes on the size of your penis after that hahaha

Obscurix 5

You have preferences. Even if you and he tried to salvage something, it wouldnt last. So be straightfoward.

I hope you have the Big Boobs to back that up.