Is that it?

By Better not - 24/01/2018 20:00 - United States - Kenai

Today, while on vacation with my boyfriend, I decided it would be a good time to try getting intimate with him for the first time. It turns out his penis is so small that I get more enjoyment from a tampon applicator. We're stuck in this cabin for another five days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 293
You deserved it 2 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bigdaddyeric 35

Who goes on vacation with a dude for a week before trying out his junk? Plus if you’re going to dump him over that, he’s the lucky one....

Use toys? Try oral? There are more ways to get pleasure than just regular sex.


Wow, how entitled the people here feel to tell her that she is shallow and that she should just continue having (different) sex with him although she seems to not want it. She can decide for herself if she wants to stick to him and try some other things without needing to hear from other people that she's either lose or too shallow.

She's the one who decided to post her personal business on this website for all to see. Seems to me if she didn't want people's opinions, she shouldn't be airing her laundry in public!

So if a person says something in public it's totally okay to be an a****** to them?

anyone that read the content is entitled to comment...

I find it funny that when you realized he can't pleasure you the way YOU want, you're suddenly "stuck" in the cabin for 5 more days.

It's not only about pleasuring. If sex is important to you in a relationship, you might decide to not wanting a relationship with someone you don't have satisfying sex with. It could have been any other dealbreaker.

Toys are your best friend and relationships don't need sex to work.

bobsanction 18

Probably didn't know he was throwing a hotdog down a hallway or His FML Her vigina was so loose she asked if i was in and I was up to my elbow.... how to tighten a vigina

A Big Ho needs a big D*ck. He's lucky to find this out early in your "relationship".

If his penis size is the most important thing to you, it sounds like you need to grow up and find out what true love is really about. This guy would be better off without you!

Who defined for everybody what love and relationships have to be like? You?

Have you thought of changing up positions? Rear entry sometimes helps when a man is on the small side. Woman on top is the absolute worst if your guy is small. And hopefully there are other ways he can please you before getting down to business.