Jesus saves!

By that’s just gross - 20/06/2021 13:01

Today, I’ve always tried to be understanding that my girlfriend grew up very poor and is therefore extremely frugal. However, I finally had to draw the line when she flipped out on me for throwing out her respooled used dental floss and buying another. It was 98 cents for a new one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 100
You deserved it 94

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While I can understand how that can be extremely off-putting, if you genuinely want to be with her, have you tried sitting down with her together and talking about it or offering to go with her to therapy? She's obviously extremely accustomed to a certain lifestyle and needs to learn that it's okay to spend just a tiny bit of money and that it's safe to do so. Not be willing to buy something for 98 cents at the cost of your hygiene isn't exactly a healthy behavior. I would suggest letting things calm down and slowly approach maybe trying to break some bad habits? Just my input. ♡ Best of luck, OP!

Damn poor thing. I feel bad for her cause I have a similar mindset based off the way I grew up but not that severe...or repulsive. However, I understand why you no longer want to be with her. That's tough.


Damn poor thing. I feel bad for her cause I have a similar mindset based off the way I grew up but not that severe...or repulsive. However, I understand why you no longer want to be with her. That's tough.

This feels like a made up problem. Do you always draw the line on the specifics of dental hygiene routines? Just buy her a costco brand mega pack of floss and get on with your life.

Personally, if I found out my fiance was, for example, dunking his toothbrush in the toilet bowl before washing his mouth, yes I would have an issue with it. The point for OP is that it's unhygienic and gross, which for many ppl, hygiene is a normal thing that can cause an issue.

Fair point, it's gross...It's seems weird how uncommon just normal, clean people seem to be.

While I can understand how that can be extremely off-putting, if you genuinely want to be with her, have you tried sitting down with her together and talking about it or offering to go with her to therapy? She's obviously extremely accustomed to a certain lifestyle and needs to learn that it's okay to spend just a tiny bit of money and that it's safe to do so. Not be willing to buy something for 98 cents at the cost of your hygiene isn't exactly a healthy behavior. I would suggest letting things calm down and slowly approach maybe trying to break some bad habits? Just my input. ♡ Best of luck, OP!

You said she grew up poor. Sometimes, those habits are very hard to break. When money is tight; and you have X amount of dollars, EVERY penny counts. And if that's the environment, she was raised in; survival becomes ingrained. A wasted penny, could be the difference between eating every night. It sounds like she could use a therapist; to help work through past trauma. And possibly; a couples counselor for the both of you. Not everyone has a place to call home, or the guarantee of a hot meal, every night.

I’m the opposite, I grew up poor due to my dad’s death but now that I can afford nice things, I splurge.

Yeah okay coming from an extremely poor and frugal person, that's not normal. The act of doing that or the act of flipping out. Even if she cleaned the floss. That's a disorder of some kind probably. Maybe ptsd from being poor even.