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By Anonymous - 25/01/2015 07:01 - United States

Today, I bought an electric toothbrush because they're supposed to be a lot healthier than regular ones. My crazy religious mom immediately called me a whore and said she knew what I really wanted to use it for. So that's $80 in the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 524
You deserved it 2 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How dare you clean your teeth using devil magic! Batteries are formed using the spit of Satan. You'd better start praying for salvation right now.

I'm sorry op. I love my electric toothbrush, it's great for my teeth


I'm sorry op. I love my electric toothbrush, it's great for my teeth

TanzWolf 26

Someone look up the movie "Teeth" I'm serious

#111: ****** dentata is a real STD, typically caused by oral bacteria transferred and becoming implanted within the ****** via *********** during ovulation. It's a very rare condition, but the best way to prevent it is to brush and floss regularly (especially before performing ***********), and to ask your dentist to check you for ****** dentata bacteria during your next checkup.

#1's comment combined with her username paints a pretty picture ;P hahahaha

It's a toothbrush, not a piece of clothing. Do you really think they would want a returned toothbrush?

juststephhere 23

I honestly think her mother would've just chucked it... It doesn't seem like she'd allow the chance to return it.

you have some brilliant ideas stored inside your head,girl. Visionary

If you haven't taken it out of the packaging you can, or if it's faulty.

If it was unopened I don't see why they wouldn't let OP return it.

How dare you clean your teeth using devil magic! Batteries are formed using the spit of Satan. You'd better start praying for salvation right now.

hunterluv1 20

more like she wants going to use it for her teeth at all...

Then she had better start gargling with some Holy Water.

That reminds me of a joke. Do you know how to make holy water? Boil the hell out of it.

#69, I think the answer was boil the hell out of it, but I'm just guessing.

Welshite, for some reason, I have begun interpreting your name as 'Welsh ite'. Whatever 'ite' is.

NoT_tHaT_pErFeCt 6

Start praying for SALIVATION now. No? Ok...

juststephhere 23

That is ridiculous! Like I get why she might think that, but honestly, if I were a parent I'd just let them be...

cdawg69 10

Well someday.. you will be that good parent :)

it doesn't matter really you can brush your teeth at any age

tacopandaroo 12

Who spends $80 on a toothbrush?

Have you ever purchased an electric toothbrush nowadays? They range from $50 being cheap and $400 for top of the line

I have an electric toothbrush my mom gets them in packs of two for $10!!!!!

The one I have was about that much, and all you have to do is replace the brush head every few months. I've had mine 6 years, still works perfectly.

I don't why you'd need an electric toothbrush. I have a regular $5 one and I bet my teeth are better than most. I don't drink coffee or pop. I brush my teeth twice a day and fluss with coconut oil. My teeth are a lot whiter than my friends with electronic tooth brushes. I also never had a cavity.

Well electric toothbrushes have a lot of advantages. First of all they're handy for people with reduced mobility (arthritis, injury, disability, etc) as you don't need all the fine motor skills you need with manual ones. Also, when used properly, they do remove more biofilm than manual toothbrushes. This is good for people who are lazy or are just bad brushers. And if you are a good brusher it's not necessary, but the electric toothbrush will do slightly better. Thirdly, if you have certain bad habits (like applying too much pressure and damaging your teeth) there are features to address them (like toothbrush will make a sound when it senses you are brushing too hard). In short, if you take proper care of your teeth you can have good oral hygiene without an electric toothbrush. However electric toothbrushes are very effective and can help deal with certain issues.

#41 I wouldn't take what you're saying to heart, considering you think the maple leaf on the Canadian flag is a pot leaf... just saying.

That's obviously just an effect of pot, 54.

41- There's a lot more to it than that. I brush my teeth often and don't eat a lot of acidic things. But I have very soft enamel so I get cavities very easily. Biology is a part of it too.

tantanpanda 26

#41, I do not believe you. Everyone gets cavities. If you eat even a tiny bit of sugar, you will get cavities. So many people believe they don't get cavities even though they always get fillings at the dentist. Fillings = you have a damn cavity.

#71 not necessarily. I had my first and only ever cavity (and consequently filling) at the age of 19, despite the fact that I rarely flossed (though I did brush regularly) and never used mouth wash. That’s because my saliva has a high pH (not very acidic), I have strong enamel, and my diet is enamel-friendly. If #41 does everything she says she does (brush twice and floss once every day, as well as avoiding pop and other tooth-unfriendly foods), it’s very possible she’s never had to get a filling. Especially if she’s lucky enough to have genetics on her side (like me).

Not true. I've never once gotten a cavity or had fillings and I'm 20. I have weakened enamel and pitted molars, I just take really good care of my teeth by brushing and flossing. I don't drink any soda and very rarely eat candy.

I never liked junk food, even as a child. A sliced apple with peanut butter and a glass of milk. Sounds way more delicious than a chocolate bar, chips and pop to me. I'm not saying I don't eat junk food. Maybe twice a month. I might have had a cavity. I just don't ever remember having one. #54 The Canadian flag being a pot leaf, in my bio is a joke. Don't be an ass. I'm in my second year of college for an Ecological and Restoration honours problem. That I happen to be passing. So I can be taking seriously. Also I never thought to much about electric toothbrushes. As a normal one worked fine for me. After #44 comment, I'll be sure to pick up a $10 electric one.

Eh no, my mother never had cavities until she got her first one at the grand age of 47.

Pretty sure peanut butter counts as junk food, lots of oil in that. Apples are full of sugar AND are acidic, I'd go with you just brush your teeth well and may have generally good/strong teeth.

gemstone586 12

never had a cavity, I'm 28 and I don't take that great of care of my teeth. I brush regularly, that's about it. genetics plays a big role.

#102 apples and peanut butter are most certainly not considered junk food! Unless you're eating something like Jiffy, which has added sugar and/or hugh fructose corn syrup, then it is by no means junk, you want real peanut butter with nothing added. Your body actually needs fat, good fats, peanut oil is one of those fats that's good for you, like coconut oil, avocado oil or olive oil are better alternatives than vegetable oil or canola oil. Not mention that peanuts are packed with protein and fiber. As much as it kills me to say this a fist full peanuts is better for you than a fist full of bacon. As for apples, yes they have sugar, but it's not refined sugar, they're also full of complex carbohydrates, which give you energy, and they're full of fiber. I have heard eating an apple after you eat a meal helps to keep your teeth clean, not sure if that's true though. /rant Now excuse me while I enjoy my burgers and fries.

FieldLeftBlank 20

Shame on your mum for having impure thoughts.

Should have asked her how she knew what the other uses of a vibrating toothbrush was

How could she have figured out you were going to brush your teeth with it? Need to be more clever about hiding tooth care items.