Kinda sus

By Anonymous - 10/06/2023 18:00

Today, after I made a new Snapchat account 3 days ago, I've already been blocked like 100 times for little reasons. I get blocked more than any normal person, even when doing nothing wrong. I wish people liked me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 243
You deserved it 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

…gotta be honest, I have a very hard time working out why people would block you if you were doing nothing wrong. Maybe you were coming off really strong from the get-go and scaring people away?

It's very rare to get blocked for nothing, especially as consistently as you. Self reflection is in order.


…gotta be honest, I have a very hard time working out why people would block you if you were doing nothing wrong. Maybe you were coming off really strong from the get-go and scaring people away?

Unsolicited tittie pics are not cool. Especially if you have hairy nipples. Don't ask me how I know that.

It's very rare to get blocked for nothing, especially as consistently as you. Self reflection is in order.

Gonna *doubt* this one. Why are you interacting with that many people who will block you that quickly? Now, maybe I'm out of touch with how the "kids these days" use snapchat, but I've never had any inclination to interact with someone I didn't already know. So, either all the people you know dislike you for some reason, or you're bothering random people and wondering why they don't want to continue interacting with you. Third possibility, upon seeing the gender marker on your post: You're adding people you don't know, and they think "Oh, a random person with a feminine name and picture of a woman just added me out of the blue. Yeah, that's definitely a spambot or a scammer of some sort."

Yep. I block all unsolicited contacts from people I don't know.

What exactly are these "little reasons"?

You know, there's only one thing in common in all your "I got blocked" scenarios. You probably need to rethink "doing nothing wrong".