
By Anonymous - 15/10/2015 20:34 - United Kingdom

Today, I got nearly kicked out of the room I rent because I refuse to close my curtains at night. Apparently, my landlady thinks it doesn't look nice when people pass by and look. My room is on the third floor and I just want to see the stars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 572
You deserved it 1 892

Same thing different taste

Top comments

landlords can be so up tight. just leave it open..she can't kick you out. landlords usually have to take you to court at least once before they can kick you out for any reason


Sounds like she has some control issues. They will only get worse.

you might need Saul Goodman on this one

Here is what I would do. Carefully look in your contract to make sure she didn't say anything about curtains must be remained closed at all times or etc. If not, then by all means do what you want! If it does not say anything she can't kick you out. I know sounds stupid to have to look, but something THAT minor could be easily over looked in the initial signing of the contract!

lexiieeex3 32

As long as you're not walking by your window naked I don't see a problem...

Soverain 15

What kind of person passes by a complex would think "Oh, that one person on the third floor didn't shut their curtains. This place doesn't look good at all. I wouldn't want to live here." I believe your landlady is a tad bit paranoid.

My landlady said the same thing. I lived on the ground floor and she told me, at which time I'd have to close my curtains. The contract also stated, that I wasn't allowed to have visitors, light candles, drink alcohol, wash/dry clothes and other stuff like that. It was crazy. So if you have the possibility: Move out as soon as you can. It's only going to get worse.

That's... not legal. Unless she snuck in a line in the contract to the effect of, "Keep your curtains closed," she won't legally be able to kick you out for that, and you can take her to court if she tries.

I read this three times and I thought it said that "I just want to see the stairs" lol

No one will rent from her if they discover that people rent from her!