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The truth

By xXxtwilightLUV95xXx - 08/03/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, I woke up to the most awkward breakfast of my life. Apparently, last night after taking my sleeping pill, I went into my mom's room and started spilling secrets left and right. Secrets about my current crush, the people I've hooked up with, and how when I say I'm going over to my friend Beth's house, I'm really seeing a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 450
You deserved it 34 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wish I had taken a look at the username and learnt that OP is either 12 or at least at the mental level of a 12-year-old, before clicking FYL.


Monikabug 9

Very uncool! That is what you get for not being honest with your family. Sad that it had to come out because of a sleeping pill.

saywaturcoco 0

today my boyfriend raped me fml

FYLDeep 25

if fatlip hadn't said that then I was about to.

Felendris 0
kaleid0scopeEyes 0

If the 95 in your name is there because you were born in 1995, then that's horrible; my little sister is 14 and likes Twilight and I cant imagine her sneaking out and hooking up with guys... and lmao at #6, I'm sure you tell EVERY detail about your life to your parents; does daddy know that you are using the webcam on the home computer to take pictures and probably talk to guys you've only met on the internet?

Monikabug 9

@75 Mature of you. Actually, I am 19 years old and what I do in my spare time is neither your business nor my father's. Also, if you are implying in some way that my picture is a "dirty" one, than your mind is quite perverse. This picture was taken with a digital camera at an Applebee's. There is nothing adult about it, it's just my face. Now go try and bash someone else, kay? Thanks. :)

KurouTenshi 0

@78 *applauds* :3 good for you!!

Monikabug 9

@79 No applause is needed. :3

KurouTenshi 0
FYLDeep 25

Hopefully you didn't admit to your mom that you like Twilight, or things could have been really embarassing.

KurouTenshi 0

@84 "Mom, i have something to tell you" "oh god, you're not pregnant are you?" "what? no!" "oh, okay. so what's up?" " twilight..." "Noo!! omg so THATs why you're so ****** up!!"

Monikabug 9

@83 Sure, send all the hugs you can. :)

AlmothePirate 0

that's what you get for sleeping around at 14! despite what you think, you ARENT more mature than most freshmen. they ALL think that. and the ones who sleep around are the least mature of all.

KurouTenshi 0

@93 :D yayz *hugz you* You has just been hizzugged :o fo' rizzle!

yeah I really hope you arnt 14. I remember when I was 14 I thought I was all mature and could handle is (I didn't have sex but I thought I was mature for other stuff) and Noe looking back I wasn't and was so young. It seems that kids are sleeping around younger and younger, I know this 12 year old who sleeps around and smokes weed and cigs, it disgusts me. (that she's so young and thinks she's so mature and cool)

Monikabug 9

@93 that hizzug brightened my whole day! haha. ;D

KurouTenshi 0

@99 I'm so glad I could do that for you :3 if you ever need a hizzug, don't hesitate to drop a request ;)

mfmylifesrsly, no offense meant, but you're only seventeen. Do you think you've really come that far in three years?

105 I know I haven't come that far, but I do see how young and gullible and stupid I was back then. a lot can actually happen in 3 years. for instance: i used to be obsessed with getting married and having kids at the age 22 MAXIMUM. now, I've changed my mind.

Monikabug 9

Will do, Chris. Thanks for the offer. ツ

KurouTenshi 0

@108 O_o didn't think anyone would use maj real name...:D what a surprise!! I just finished watching "The Box" and that movie is effed up ._.'

Yee12 0

It'll be interesting to see what you think in another three years, mfmylifesrsly.

subMortal7331 0

LOL that's ridiculus YDI for being so god damn horny

yupp, it will be interesting. now stfu kaythxbaii

Hey, no need to be discourteous, mfmylifesrsly. I wasn't trying to be superior, I was just making an observation. I'm sorry if I offended you, but honestly, I didn't mean to.

nineth, I used to like the seiros but now o think it's kind of gay

cucuto89 0

yo, mfmylifesrsly is a cutie. I would do her in the pooper

Monikabug, love your pic. Boops, I am assuming you are over 20. Do you not think there's a huge difference between a 14 yo and a 17 yo? Every now and then, I am reminded of how I thought just a few short years earlier and I am always amazed at how little I actually knew.

Monikabug 9

Thank you ImaginaryFoe! I thought it was about time to put a face to my comments. But are you sure it's not too "adult?" :P

why is everyone against Twilight!?!!!!?!?!!?!?? what makes it so bad im sure some stupid kid shows (AKA Barney,Barbie,Power Rangers) are wayy worse Twilight yes 1st movie sukd 2nd wasnt terrible tho

droppoint 0
theian01 3

Monikabug, was that guy even talking to you? I'm not trying to start a fight, but he said the 95 in the name, there is no 95 in your name. Just saying...

theian01 3

Oops, I didn't see the bottom half of his post (stupid me). SORRY! D=

Monikabug 9

@theian01 That is okay. Happens to the best of us. :)

108/109. have your conversation somewhere else

Monikabug 9

@159, read someone else's comments, or put something worth reading.

pattheaninal 9

ninth. Twilight could suck Draculas balls.

Ninjasaurus18 9

Well, the 18 in my name isnt't there because I was born in 1918. It's my lucky number, and maybe 95 is hers. Stupidass.

Why does everyone assume every time the word "twilight" appears in usernames and such that it's about that saga of fairies?

princessbeee 4

I've totally done that, but not so much detail. haha, that realllly sucks!

princessbeee 4

nopee, pain meds for surgery(:

how was ur breakfast awkward? did she start spilling her secrets or something?

uhhhh she didn't realize she spilled her whole life story until the next morning when the sleeping pills had worn off. that's why it was awkward.

Aert1ok995 0

fyl. oh and everyone just wait for snickerdoodles to post some annoying comment.

Everytime I try to say "wasted," a man in a bowler hat and handle bar mustache randomly appears and stares at me for a few seconds before he uncerimoniously breaks a kittens forleg in front of me and throws me threw a portal to another dimension. Oh shit.....

Xxdom4073xX 0

That's not nice, snicker is just bored. She enjoys the attention, hmm, wait, what's it called.... Oh ya, a troll?

I have to say lol here. I would highly recvomend learning from this and and if and when she let's you go out again you nest be truthful.

What the **** is up with your picture?

HamsteronA 0

this is why I love sleeping pills.