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Let me in!

By Anonymous - 27/07/2020 20:00

Today, I was turned away from a private event by security for being a girl. My name is Max; the name on the guest list was Max, but the security meathead insisted Max can only be a man's name and threw me out of the building. I was the event's key lecturer, and without me the event was cancelled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 529
You deserved it 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am not an expert on organizing large events, but isn't the event coordinator supposed to resolve just these types of situations? I find it hard to understand why, when told their event was about to collapse, no one thought to call, find out why OP was absent, and correct the issue with haste. Even if they completely faceplanted giving OP a way to let them know the problem, you'd think they'd catch and be able to reach out and resolve from their own end.

Well... if the event coordinators have any sense, that “security guard” is fired... seriously WTF?


Well... if the event coordinators have any sense, that “security guard” is fired... seriously WTF?

Marcella1016 31

I’ve only ever seen the one with the two girls and the cup.

A series? I read the text synopsis of the pilot of "Two Girls, One Cup" and was more disgusted than when I saw the Blue Waffle. Kids, those are two things you DON'T want to Google!

I am not an expert on organizing large events, but isn't the event coordinator supposed to resolve just these types of situations? I find it hard to understand why, when told their event was about to collapse, no one thought to call, find out why OP was absent, and correct the issue with haste. Even if they completely faceplanted giving OP a way to let them know the problem, you'd think they'd catch and be able to reach out and resolve from their own end.

Marcella1016 31

I agree - A security guard should def be fired and B how the hell was she unable to contact the event organizers? I absolutely would have made a big fuss - assuming she didn’t - letting him know I’m the key lecturer. And I really don’t understand how she had no contact information - email addresses, phone numbers, even the name of someone tied to the event - to resolve the problem. Seriously how in the hell??? This is worse than having your big meeting canceled due to being 10 minutes late from failing a COVID temperature check.

How in the hell did she not have an ID on her?

I used to do a lot of event organizing, and while you are IDEALLY right, in practice it's not so simple. Security is trusted to keep things safe, and everyone has their jobs. The organizer themselves has a million things to deal with, a lot of which are unexpected problems. It's entirely possible OP didn't have contact info with them (it's a good practice to have it, but people often don't think of it because they shouldn't need it). Security guard wouldn't have let OP contact anyone, and there's no "let me speak to your manager" with security. Event organizer probably was dealing with their own stuff, and if there were other speakers as well might not have noticed OP hadn't shown up- or thought they were running late. Yes, you should always have it set up so someone's job is literally keeping an eye on major things like speakers and making sure people are arriving, contacting them if they are late etc. But so many times you can't be careful like that because things are going wrong and it's all hands on deck to fix what *seems* like the biggest problem. If the audio system is failing, for example, an assistant who otherwise might have been on guest management might be on the phone desperately calling techs for help instead of noticing OP is missing. If OP has already been turned away and gone home, by the time theh organizer found out it would be too late. No info on how far away OP lives, if they were taking the train, etc- OP might have been unreachable or unable to return quickly by the time things were noticed.

Of course, Max is a girl's name -- it's short for Maxipad, right?

Your comment is bad and you should feel bad! (insert Zoidberg meme here)

tounces7 27

Well, clearly someone is gonna be fired.

Did you call someone in the building and say security doesn't want to let you in and you are the key speaker?

I'm thinking you could have most likely contacted someone associated with the event who could have let you in. I'm amazed you just left. ydi

leximichelle 13

You don’t have a picture ID?