Life is unfair…

By Anonymous - 01/11/2020 07:08 - United Kingdom

Today, I was caught up in an armed robbery and after talking to the cops, my boss cut my pay for being 2 hours late. After I trudged home and told my parents, they are now forcing me to sleep in a tent in the garden, just in case the robber gave me COVID. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 799
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have sided up with the robbers and plundered more booty than your measly pay. And you could've made your stingy boss walk the plank!

mickymoose1 15

In most businesses, time worked = time paid, however any decent boss would have allowed op to stay late to make up for missed hours in that situation so their pay would remain the same. Sounds like op has a dick boss if they didn't allow for them to stay late.


You should have sided up with the robbers and plundered more booty than your measly pay. And you could've made your stingy boss walk the plank!

Sometimes being nice isn't the best option

tounces7 27

The first part is believable, the second less so.

Umm legally they can’t cut your pay for being late

mickymoose1 15

In most businesses, time worked = time paid, however any decent boss would have allowed op to stay late to make up for missed hours in that situation so their pay would remain the same. Sounds like op has a dick boss if they didn't allow for them to stay late.