Living his best life

By shotdown - 02/12/2015 20:45 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after being sick all day with the flu, I asked my husband to wash the dishes after I went to bed. He said he couldn't because he had a large, important project for work that needed to get done. I woke up a couple of hours later to find him smoking weed on the couch and watching cartoons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 808
You deserved it 2 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kuibe 18

I guess you can use the same excuse when he's sick now and if he objects bring up this.

Go on strike! You shouldn't even be around food/dishes if you're still contagious.


Maybe he was studying the effects of weed on a mind

Divorce the piece of trash now shitters a waste of your time

M3DO 24

Best case scenario: he finished the project, forgot about dishes and decided to rest while you slept

If he was a real man, you wouldn't need to ask him, sick or not. You deserve better OP

I don't know what is worse- that or finding him enjoying ****.

Trickstr125 2

That is why you shouldn't marry a pothead. Drugs are bad!

Then why is it being legalized if it's sooo bad?

There's this new thing called divorce. I think you should look into it.