Looking for a job?

By Anonymous - 21/06/2021 19:31 - India - Bangalore

Today, the guy we'd offered to hire, who had a 2-month notice period, emailed to say he couldn't come after all, because his employer offered to retain him. In this two-month timeframe, we didn't interview anybody else and now we're in deep shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 804
You deserved it 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

you NEVER put out a contingent offer to only 1 person. especially with such a long time frame.

You could offer to meet the counter offer the present employer made, but put a more limited time frame on it. And in the meanwhile start interviewing again. While I sympathize - That’s one of the costs and hazards of doing business. There is always uncertainty to deal with no matter what you do.


Jon Tessler 14

you NEVER put out a contingent offer to only 1 person. especially with such a long time frame.

It's a dick move on his part, but isn't 2 months a really long time frame? I don't know about Bangalore, but isn't 2 weeks more customary for a non-contract position?

You could offer to meet the counter offer the present employer made, but put a more limited time frame on it. And in the meanwhile start interviewing again. While I sympathize - That’s one of the costs and hazards of doing business. There is always uncertainty to deal with no matter what you do.

unless he was the only application, you should have done numerous interviews and had offers ready just in case. it's nothing to not hire the rest, but it's bad news to not hire anyone in this kind of situation

rotflqtms_ 21

Who the heck gives 2 month's notice? 2 weeks sure. Some can even just quit same day if they're fed up. 2 months is too long to expect anyone who is fed up with a situation to stick it out. And with your wording, it doesn't even look like you had them sign the contract yet. You really should have more than 1 person lined up for a position before turning down the others. I hope you didn't turn down the others.