More than enough, thanks

By umbrella - 24/07/2009 11:39 - United States

Today, a man held a door open for me while I fished my umbrella out of my very cluttered bag. As I was opening my umbrella, I turned to thank him for being such a gentleman. Instead, a tampon that had apparently wedged itself into the folds of my umbrella flew into his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 347
You deserved it 5 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AirwavesIce 0

I would've loved to see his reaction to that, haha


noshitsherlock 0

FAKE. I'm in DC and it has not rained. What an idiot.

wow 109, i was in D.C. until last night, and not only did it rain from 8pm on the 23rd to 6am on the 24th, but there was so much thunder and lightning that every plane coming out of dulles and reagan was grounded for almost 12 hours. what an idiot. if you're gunna comment, at least TRY to know what ur talking about...and I dont know how you could have not noticed unless ur six years old and still go to bed at 8 ******....

noshitsherlock 0

lol you're sad for getting so worked up over a comment on fml. So FYL. I landed in Dulles on Friday night, dick. And at the time I posted, it hadn't rained yet, dumbass.

rabid_otaku 29

I'm 14 and my parents still make me go to bed at 8...

squirrelgirl368 0

thats hilarious! i would be mortified.

I think that's more of a **** HIS life than a **** yours. Lmao

Lmao, I think I would have died right there.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That would be a funny story to tell the grandkids.

newfielover123 0

lol tht really sucks 4 u AND him!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol wow thts really funny wow

EmDizzle2007 28