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Mr Commitment

By Alexander - 07/08/2022 02:00

Today, my ex is calling everyone I know, telling them I ruined her life. I'm not built for serious relationships, I was very open with her about that, the moment stuff gets serious I freak out, yet she chased me at every stage, then blamed me when I couldn't handle her demands for serious commitment, and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 946
You deserved it 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michael Sawyer 11

reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it.

slkeithh 14

I feel like you should not be in any type of relationship, ever, until you learn how to mature as a person and stop protecting your childish insecurities onto others. It's completely fine to not want to be serious, but you need to accept that all you're good for is one night stands with strangers who care as little for you as you do for them.


Call the cops! You have a stalker for which being boring and obnoxious didn't ward them off. That plan always works!

slkeithh 14

I feel like you should not be in any type of relationship, ever, until you learn how to mature as a person and stop protecting your childish insecurities onto others. It's completely fine to not want to be serious, but you need to accept that all you're good for is one night stands with strangers who care as little for you as you do for them.

Sounds like that's what they tried to tell this moron and they kept pushing and pushing until it fell apart (like OP said it would).

Michael Sawyer 11

reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it.