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This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Bambi122913 - 22/06/2017 04:00

Today, my brother and I got our first tattoos. He got his dedicated to our grandfather who passed away a few years ago, while I got mine dedicated to my mom. My grandmother doesn't like tattoos, but loves his and considers it "meaningful and sentimental," while mine is a "tramp stamp." It's on my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 984
You deserved it 462

Top comments

Don't let others opinions affect you , you did it for you not for her approval

Guess she doesn't like you mom all that much


Guess she doesn't like you mom all that much

Ok, grandma doesn't know that "tramp stamp" means a lower-back tattoo. She just thinks it's anything that marks you as a tramp. Time to send her to a home!

You may be right. OP, don't send her to a home -- just hide her dentures.

Don't let others opinions affect you , you did it for you not for her approval

EnvyMe33 26
Lobby_Bee 17

You are definitely not the favorite.

mermaidgirle 12

Aren't double standards lovely OP?

GoogieWithers 23

She is just offended that yours wasn't in tribute to her.

Uh oh. Don't tell me your mother was a tramp when she had you?

Ahh, good ol' fashioned sexism. Sure am not gonna miss when that dies.