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By Mother of a dumb blonde - 22/06/2017 02:00

Today, I had to explain to my daughter that no, just because the word, "salad" is in the name, it doesn't mean that macaroni or potato salad are automatically healthy for you. She still doesn't believe me. She's 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 877
You deserved it 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh, I'll bet you're one of these party-poopers who says that carrot cake is not a vegetable!

It's salad alright! Did she miss some classes in school?! Well OP I feel bad for you but YouTube videos are always there for your help. Make her watch it.


It's salad alright! Did she miss some classes in school?! Well OP I feel bad for you but YouTube videos are always there for your help. Make her watch it.

Tell her to eat a salad everyday for a week then a macaroni or potato salad everyday the next week. If she still doesn't believe you then, please make sure she takes a nutrition course at school.

That's like saying orange soda is healthy because it has the word "orange" in it.

Ugh, I'll bet you're one of these party-poopers who says that carrot cake is not a vegetable!

It's not? Next thing you'll be telling me is that onion rings don't count as vegetables either!

And vodka infused smoothies are still bad for your liver D:

Your onion rings count as vegetables if my candy corn does, too. Deal?

Candy corn is neither corn nor candy. It's a straight up bitter lie.

Nay, it is such sweet deception! Truth is for dullards.

EnvyMe33 26

I'm guessing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Kids only learn by example. Instead of making fun of her try explaining to her what's right.

Lobby_Bee 17

As a healthy 328lbs man, I respectfully disagree with you.

Next lesson: green salads aren't always healthy either. Especially if they're covered in fried chicken, cheese and fatty dressings.

Oh let her eat potato or macaroni salads all she want and wait for her complaining why she's gaining some weight.

This just sounds like you failing to discuss dietary needs and healthy food choices with her when she was a kid is biting her in the ass and your embarrassed about your own failure.