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By Anonymous - 01/11/2017 04:00

Today, three days before their rent was due, my fiancé's friends moved out of our basement without saying a word to us. On their way out, they took an envelope from my locked desk with $800 in it that was for our wedding in six months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 300
You deserved it 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you know not to trust your fiancée's judgment in regards to her friends now. I'd try to see if you can do anything legally or via the justice system to recover the money or at least have them face charges.

From your description, I am not sure they are friends. And I am totally suggest a police/legal solution here.


Well, you know not to trust your fiancée's judgment in regards to her friends now. I'd try to see if you can do anything legally or via the justice system to recover the money or at least have them face charges.

From your description, I am not sure they are friends. And I am totally suggest a police/legal solution here.

Sounds like a low-key wedding. Also, ever heard of a bank?

xtutu 12

Give them one chance to give back the money and pay the rent that’s due, otherwise sue then for the rent and contact the police about the theft. Problem solved. Unless they’re flat broke of course.

I wouldn't even give them a chance. I would just inform them I'm calling the Police due to their theft. If they were willing to take it and move out behind people's backs, why would they just give it back or admit to anything?

Police report. Not only did they steal from you, they didn't pay their rent. Small claims court for the rent though. Were they on a/your lease, or were they just handing you cash to live there? Get all documentation you can and again, go to the police.

ohsnapword 21

Honestly, the time you spent writing this FML should have been spent filing a police report. They should be charged with grand larceny.

Light the torches! Sharpen the pitchforks! We're going on a hunt!

Mungolikecandy 19

If they stole money report them to the police. Why keep that amount of money in the house anyway? A bank is safer.

BaDumTsss_fml 23