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By eh. - 27/08/2019 17:55

Today, my period started one week early, and I don’t have access to any hygiene products besides toilet paper for 3 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 009
You deserved it 319

eh tells us more.

eh 4

First of all I have bought enough products for my period. I’m on vacation on a boat with 3 men who don’t know squat about periods. We were supposed to pack light and my period doesn’t normally come 9 days early and I don’t carry a week’s worth of tampons every where I go. I did have one to last me for 10 hours but I can’t use that for 3 days

Top comments

eh 4

I am. I don’t carry a week’s worth of tampons with me when my period wasn’t due for another 9 days

Sady_Ct, no, nobody "deserves" getting short-handed a week early "thanks" to good ol' Mother Nature in this oh-so-very-personal way. Is OP unfortunate or unlucky, yes; but truly DESERVING of it? I (of opposite gender) respectfully differ.... Not much in terms of sympathy/ compassion for the Sisterhood, are you apparently? ;-(


Why would you not have any access to hygiene supplies???

Only thing I can think of is camping, but I take it back, she has access to A LOT of toilet paper to keep up with her period!

When you know that you're going to be camping esp. out in the Boonies, you pack a LOT of TP beforehand. But for the other, probably not so much - depending on how reliable that monthly schedule has been in the past....

Yeah after writing, my second guess was house sitting with no car and out in the boonies. OP wrote boat so yeah I guess so!

any grocery delivery services near you? instacart maybe?

Aphrodite 20

We may need more details. 1. Where on earth are you to not have access to hygienic products for 3 days?

Sady_Ct 37

Prolly because she has no money.

Sady_Ct 37

This is exactly why I don’t wait till I’m almost in my period before I buy supplies. I buy them as soon as I can after the end of my previous period to ensure I don’t get stuck. YDI for not being organised ahead of time, if you know roughly when it’s going to happen, you are old enough to ensure you have supplies ASAP after your previous period ends.

The only reason I may side with OP is because if she is out camping or something; I get it. It sucks. (Edit: Taking it back, she has access to A LOT of TP to keep up somehow!) A week early is a surprise, but I always restock my purse with about 3 pads and tampons right after my period ends so I never forget especially when out and about. Always refill RIGHT AFTER a period, so you don't have to run out when you have a surprise!

Sady_Ct, no, nobody "deserves" getting short-handed a week early "thanks" to good ol' Mother Nature in this oh-so-very-personal way. Is OP unfortunate or unlucky, yes; but truly DESERVING of it? I (of opposite gender) respectfully differ.... Not much in terms of sympathy/ compassion for the Sisterhood, are you apparently? ;-(

eh 4

First of all I have bought enough products for my period. I’m on vacation on a boat with 3 men who don’t know squat about periods. We were supposed to pack light and my period doesn’t normally come 9 days early and I don’t carry a week’s worth of tampons every where I go. I did have one to last me for 10 hours but I can’t use that for 3 days

I always have supplies, but if I’m almost two weeks out and packing light for a weekend, I may only take a just in caser that stays in my purse. Not to mention, not everyone is regular. Things like endometriosis can throw you way off and if you aren’t showing signs beyond cramps, you probably don’t know if you have it. There are tons of reasons for being caught off guard when early. Nobody is perfect. Never ask me for a product if you run out at a bad time, because instead of being my normal kind self and giving (which caused me to get caught off guard once), I’d tell you ydi.

Never wrote OP deserved it. More info would have helped. Didn't even think of a boat OR the fact she was with other people too. The only other situation would have been space, but even then I think they're more supplied. Edit: I'm also going to add, if it was that bad, go to shore. Tell them about what a period is and that you are unable to handle being on TP. So on top of being on a boat, I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're not in the middle of the Atlantic. Yeah your fun is bust, but I guarantee they'd help of they're you're friends. It's just an extremely rare and shitty situation in the first place.

Right, congratulations on always having the money and resources to spend on these products weeks in advance and a bag big enough to haul them all around in whether it makes sense or not. You're a real inspiration.

Hey, you don't owe anyone a detailed explanation for why you got caught out. People who menstruate can't be expected to haul around a week's worth of supplies at all times, it's not even practical. I suspect the people dumping on you are trolls, or just totally wrapped up in their own experience and incapable of imagining an acceptable lifestyle that isn't their own. When I was super poor I sometimes had to make do with TP or paper towels between paydays, it helps if you find something plastic like a lunch baggy to back it with and something to tie it into place with. I'm not poor any more, thank god, but I do appreciate having the skills to adapt and make do in an emergency. Sorry you got caught out, I hope you had a good time anyway. Thanks for sharing.

bobsanction 18

You know your period is coming every month. Why are you not stocking up on this shit?

eh 4

I am. I don’t carry a week’s worth of tampons with me when my period wasn’t due for another 9 days

It’s like people expect us to keep period packs on us at all times. I was only early twice in my life and late once. The test you can set a calendar by me. I was never 9 days early. I can see how this would happen. And most of the people who carry that much product on them at all times, I bet a lot of them do because they were caught off guard once. Or it’s their worst fear. Instead of accepting that sometimes, shit happens.

Ok not taking a week's worth of tampons everywhere you go is reasonable, but maybe you should if you're literally stranded on a boat full of men? Y totally DI

What part of 9 days early are people missing? If you are regular and early has never been an issue, you most likely will only have one or two products on you. Ever been stuck on a boat for three days? It’s fun, but not roomie. So you don’t take a lot of extra. If you are a week and a half out and you are due back way before it starts, you aren’t filling your personal bag with the stuff usually. I did for the short amount of time I was irregular, but for many years, wouldn’t even think about it until it was three days out or so. That’s like yelling someone who never has stomach issues they deserve it for not taking Imodium and getting the shots when out on the water. When packing light, you don’t pack for every possible scenario, especially one that doesn’t usually happen, like being 9 days early. For everyone who says she deserves it, I hope you aren’t caught in a situation where your body decides to do something weird and you are stuck in an uncomfortable position for even a few hours. If girls always carried for the off chance they were starting early, there would be no need for the machines in our public restrooms for hygiene products.

childlessmother 16

Periods are never reliable regular or not there is always a chance to start early. I knew someone who had periods exactly every 26 days and one time she started 12!days after her period ended. It happens. Mine was never regular so I always carried a weeks worth with me

Is a weeks worth 5 pads and 5 tampons? Is it 15 of each (like me)? It’s not always reasonable to carry a week’s worth of supplies with you, no matter the time of the month or where you are in your cycle.

Mathalamus 24

Quite irresponsible. Periods are NEVER reliable in the long run. Failing to prepare for that is just asking for it.

Nzuri 2

This is why I love being over 50 and in menopause. I no longer have to deal with periods.