Needy baby

By nosleeptilpissoff - 18/03/2011 15:54 - United States

Today, I have a cat with separation anxiety. By this, I mean whenever I go in another room and shut the door with her outside, she uses her head as a battering ram to try and break down the door. It's fun trying to sleep too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 414
You deserved it 6 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmm. Lock her in a separate room, with a cushion or pillow attached to it. She'll headbutt the pillow. :P

ilovepoppa 0

You're mean... just let her in.!


Haha, funny but painful. Set up a pillow or something cushiony. :)

skittles987_fml 0

My cat does the same thing, even if he's by me and i fall asleep, he bite my face to wake me up because he's lonely -_-

mahoney181810 0

At least your cat likes you, mine is fat and mean......

Why don't you sleep with your cat? They love it.

let her in the room then, nobody wants to be lonely, especially a cat with separation anxiety, do you really wanna knowingly stress your cat out? it's not healthy :/

Why can't you just let her sleep in your bed?