Needy baby

By nosleeptilpissoff - 18/03/2011 15:54 - United States

Today, I have a cat with separation anxiety. By this, I mean whenever I go in another room and shut the door with her outside, she uses her head as a battering ram to try and break down the door. It's fun trying to sleep too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 414
You deserved it 6 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmm. Lock her in a separate room, with a cushion or pillow attached to it. She'll headbutt the pillow. :P

ilovepoppa 0

You're mean... just let her in.!


kimbo7747 0

my cat is the exact same way! just wait till she starts clawing up the carpet to get in!

Two to the head will fix your cat problem.

franwins0827 7

Why not leave your bedroom door cracked or put pet doors in the doors so she can go in and out of rooms?

Open the door. It's not like it can leave the house and have other cats over. Mean ass. It needs love too.

Haha..mine too!! Battering ram and all...but normally I just let him sleep in my room

Exactly. My cat does the battering ram thing too if we don't let him in, and he weighs 25 pounds. Try sleeping through that...

Exactly. My cat does the battering ram thing too unless we let him in, and he weighs 25 pounds. Try sleeping through that...

semperfi2035 2

can anyone say Tosh.0? record your cat doing that and post that shit, i know I'd watch over and over lol

haha your cat is 1 in a million. it actually likes being near its owner

Steeeve 0

This made me laugh, the thought of a cat headbutting a door XD. I like the record it idea, I'd like to see this. At least it doesn't claw the door up. Either let it in, put it in another room, or find another cat to keep it company.

jimmy0332 0