Never engage with psychos

By Foxy17 - 16/08/2020 20:01

Today, in a convenience store, I asked a girl who wasn't wearing her mask and not keeping her distance to step away. After telling me to fuck off, she put her mask on, went to the teenage manager and said I was harassing her. Even after hearing my side of the story, I was asked to leave. Turns out it was his girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 861
You deserved it 384

Same thing different taste

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So go to his boss and let them know what happened, not saying a formal complaint is needed just a heads up to the bullshit.

It sounds like they didn’t ask them to put on a mask. All they asked was for that person to back up which is a perfectly reasonable request. They weren’t being nosey they were asking for personal space. I personally would do the same thing cause I don’t want people to close to me right now. The manager abused his power however for siding with his girlfriend.


So go to his boss and let them know what happened, not saying a formal complaint is needed just a heads up to the bullshit.

That's what happens when you mess with the Power Elite. How were you to know that maskless idiot you confronted would have friends in high places?

Mathalamus 24

Just mind your own business next time. You wore a mask, right?, no harm to you.

It sounds like they didn’t ask them to put on a mask. All they asked was for that person to back up which is a perfectly reasonable request. They weren’t being nosey they were asking for personal space. I personally would do the same thing cause I don’t want people to close to me right now. The manager abused his power however for siding with his girlfriend.

You do know how the masks work, right? Me wearing one protects YOU, not ME. So OP had every right to ask someone not wearing a mask to step away from her.

It is her business! If the girl won't wear a mask, she needs to keep her distance. Otherwise, the OP could catch covid from her, or maybe even STDs from the dirty ********.

Teenage love is a powerfully ignorant thing.

If you were wearing a mask, why didn't YOU just step away from her? The problem would have been solved without further incident. If it bothered you that much, why not talk to the owner or manager about the kids' behavior?

call and try to reach his boss or send an email to corporate