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By anonymous - 01/02/2016 06:07 - Canada

Today, I saw an elderly woman struggling to reach the top shelf in my local grocery store, so I went over and asked if she needed help. She then accused me of flirting with her and had me escorted from the property. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 063
You deserved it 1 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YourOpinionSucks 22

How can they even escort you out for flirting? Hope you at least went limp. Make them work to get you out.

That's why you shouldn't have told her you were going to grab her melons.


YourOpinionSucks 22

How can they even escort you out for flirting? Hope you at least went limp. Make them work to get you out.

I feel like 10 should be a reply to 4.

Believe it or not anything that is privately owned such as a business/house they can escort anyone off their property without any actual cause. As long as you don't follow their rules you're gone. I completely agree with you it's stupid as hell they escorted OP off property for that.

Wow you're such a pervert! In all seriousness that's beyond stupid. Keep being a good person op!!

being nice is so rare these days.... It's often mistakened as flirting. Don't let that stop you from doing good things! :)

That's why you shouldn't have told her you were going to grab her melons.

i doubt those melons are still on the top shelf...

mds9986 24

May as well close the comments now. Nothing is going to beat this.

ninjamadi 16

seriously? you'd think older people would appreciate that more. oh well let granny climb it herself

I mean at least you asked. A lot of elders have trouble with that because with aging, they can begin to feel useless and unable.

Wow! what an ungrateful bitch. Keep helping people OP. This bitch will know what helping is later.

I wonder how the situation escalated so quickly as to need to be escorted out of the store. Just seems to me it would have been best to just walk away from her and the situation. Guess you had to be there