No match for the overwhelming force

By biotch - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as a volunteer at the local daycare, I was with 3 and 4 year olds. They thought it would be funny to trip me and then jump on my back. I hit my elbow hard on the ground. A bunch of pre-schoolers beat me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 288
You deserved it 6 542

Top comments

Kids are monsters. Tiny, ruthless monsters.

I guess you already know how many 5-year olds you can beat up: 0


You can't overpower toddlers? ... FYL.

You are pathetic. How hard is it to make friends with toddlers? And if you do it right, you can have them start little wars with each other. Then it gets fun...

You're gonna get down and lick this white dog crap!

daniellerose 0

hahaha awww kids...sooo violent these days...

Tori_xoxo 0

:l Welll.. Thank God they didn't have guns n_n. :x Most kids do these days.. D:

But they just wanted to play. Way to ruin the fun by being in pain. YDI ;)

dude dont feel bad I get beat up by 1st graders its not my fault there are at least 14 or more of them and there fat

Next time you should take the long way home. Then go back with a helicopter and kick their ass!

Hey, this (sort of) happened to me once. It was at this little kids party, as since I was the biggest one there, they all thought it would be fun to play "games" with me. They kept pretending to arrest me, but I escaped, but as a punishment, when I sat down they all suddenly jumped on me and started to hit me. People are saying "ohh you're pathetic, you couldn't fight them off," but you can't hit children, so you just have to push them off and hope they stop. If there are a lot of them though, you're pretty much buggered! However, when this happened to me, there were all 5 - 6 year olds, not 3 - 4....