No Ragrets

By surfergal91 - 14/02/2011 20:12 - United States

Today, I rummaged around in the attic, looking for old pictures of me and my family, so I could make a surprise collage. Instead, I found my dad's old journals, talking about how desperately he didn't want a kid, and how he wanted to leave my mother more and more every day that passed since I was born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 777
You deserved it 4 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't read far enough: Day 1: It pissed on me. I hate this thing. Day 2: It pissed on me again. How do I give it back? Day 3: Holy ******* hell, how do I shut it up? Day 4: She grabbed my finger. I swear she smiled at me. Oh my god, I love her more than anything! I promise, you don't understand until you have one of your own.

Wow, FYL for having to read that. But then again, you didn't have to. In fact, it's quite rude to read someone's journal. But because it must have been painful to read those things I'll vote FYL. I hope he turned out to be a good father :)


I'm sorry that happened...nobody likes to hear something like that. But he did change his mind, didn't he?

My dad didn't wanna have any kids either.. and as you might have guessed by that, I'm an only child. He barely talks to me.

holy crap that is excessively HELL.....but if thats truely how your "dad" feels, then i am honestly sorry...and i feel as if he is not much of a dad in the first place...even if ya never really wanted kids...if ya make dumb decisions...or decide to have sex and get a girl pregnant, then you gotta man the **** up (man or women, doesnt matter your sex) and do your best at bein a parent (and the BEST parent you can be at that, an i mean, a NICE, LOVING, AND CARING parent)...and if your (no offence) SO CALLED "FATHER" wants to make the choices that he did jus to have sex, but not man up and take responcibility when the time comes, then i believe he is NOT a man, in ANY sence of the word...not only that, but its not hard (even if you dont want kids) to love your baby once its born...and if you cannot even love your OWN god damn child, your baby, YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD for cryin out loud...then not only are you not a ****** man AT ALL...but youre (i think and feel) one piece of SHIT person.....heres a quote i LOVE...: "EVERY child deserves a PARENT, B U T NOT EVERY PARENT deserves a child." and it is TRUE AS HELL....sorry for angrily ranting...but that is one of the few things i absolutely LOATHE and makes me so emotional because i just CANNOT understand how someone can be SO HEARTLESS AND HORRIBLE to a lil person that THEY brought into the world! UGH!!