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By Gabi - 09/01/2010 18:00 - United Kingdom
By Gabi - 09/01/2010 18:00 - United Kingdom
By fuzzle003 - 13/06/2012 12:47 - Australia - Canberra
By Ashley - 12/07/2012 00:02 - United States - Bellerose
By Stressed Seamstress - 16/11/2017 00:00 - United States - Charlotte
By Dylan - 15/10/2023 06:00 - United States - Portland
By fleur_de_fevrier - 21/12/2008 15:36 - Ireland
By Anonymous - 23/12/2024 12:00 - Ireland
By Tom - 26/04/2017 18:00
By Lou - 01/06/2010 15:59 - United Kingdom
By Loverscry - 05/11/2014 22:02 - United States - Minneapolis
By Rachel - 18/05/2009 15:23 - United States
LOL at losers who have nothing better to do w their lives than argue on an FML reply board. seriously. get OVER yourselves already.
That sux! Yeah definitely call the busline! err... Oh and to the women who lives ALONE and spends a grand on clothes a month, I mean really? lol, Ok have fun with that.
Why the **** are you all telling her to get a car? Taking the bus is better for the enviroment anyway
YDI for saying lovely in a sentence.
That really sucks. Mabey you should think about getting a car, then you wouldn`t lose stuff on the bus.
I'm sorry, but luckster is a complete moron. Just because you don't have the money to buy expensive stuff, doesn't mean anyone who does is a spoiled pig. You are the reason why we can't have nice things.
I agree with spending money on clothes to look nice but I don't understand when people spend a grand on clothes and not a penny on charity. The person (south...) themselves pointed out that they think that the poor people deserve to be poor because they are the cause of their own situation which I HIGHLY disagree with. Not everybody is poor because they choose that for themselves. Nobody and I mean nobody wants to starve to death or freeze to death in the cold. I just think that the person south.. should get off their self-righteous ass and see that there are more things in world than Gucci purses. True happiness resides in the happiness of those whom you have helped. I ask south.. who have she helped today? And whose life has she made better by living? Ask ME that, I will be glad to share my experiences. Sorry... got a little carried away there.
I think it was more to the fact that whoever she was arguing with more or less implied she didn't even wear the same pair of clothes twice, Luckster was probably angry by the waste of money when we're in the middle of the credit crunch, where almost every penny is needed.
YD. You must be really rich in order to be so careless.
Ouch. That sucks big time. This is one of the many reasons I hate shopping. When you do find something you like it is so expensive that it takes more time to commit to buying it than it took to find it in the first place.
Happens to the best of us...