
By facepalming all the way - 19/07/2015 06:02 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I had to explain to my incredibly sheltered 15-year-old brother that no, you don't wear condoms on your balls, and that they don't work by squeezing your balls so the sperm are blocked from coming out when you ejaculate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 745
You deserved it 2 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should tell him that he must get more knowledge on subjects like that before he even considers using one of those for the first time op.

Did he get sex ed in Texas or something?


dblogic 19

OMG, this is sad but hilarious!! At least you were there for your brother OP, better coming from you than the girl he's trying to get busy with laughing him out of the bedroom.

paramor3 23

It must hurt being that effin stupid.

RedPillSucks 31

it would be real effective if you tighten things so much that you cut off blood supply and b your balls drop off.

That's hilarious OP, whoever trolled ur bro is a hero

THIS is why sex education needs to be taught!

Of course this is in the US! We have TERRIBLE sex ed! Why is it OK to have such an ignorant population! ?!?!? SMFH

olpally 32

This FML made my brain hurt... Yikes. :/

15? Twelve year olds are gettin it on.