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Not sure it's the age difference…

By Anonymous - 10/05/2022 22:00

Today, I regret ever deciding to ask out a younger man. I’m 27 and he’s 21. I’m worried about my career, he’s worried about his Xbox; I love my parents, he’s still rebelling against his like an emo teenager; I want romance, he likes to wobble my breasts while giggling, saying, “Boobies.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 481
You deserved it 1 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To be fair that last one is most dudes regardless of age.

I'm 33 years old and except for the rebelling things... Fits most men, whether they admit it or not. A lot of us don't mature.


I'm 33 years old and except for the rebelling things... Fits most men, whether they admit it or not. A lot of us don't mature.

To be fair that last one is most dudes regardless of age.

Hey, don't lump us all up in the same basket! Some of us are more into giggly butts!

for most dudes you can replace the Xbox with almost literally anything and it counts as well. for me its my computer and or playstation. maybe phone since I play more pokemom go these days. a lot of guys work not only to sustain themselves but for their hobbies lol. don't ask how much I spent on magic the gathering please and thank you.

I think you just picked an especially immature 21-year-old. I was much more grown up at that age. I'd wobble your breasts and weep, "I love me some *******." That's Shakespeare, y'know.

Thy bosom doth giggleth too much.

age has nothing to do with it. I was 37 when I met my husband. he was 21. he was never that immature. you just got a bad luck of the draw.

kitten79TX 5

First off, the boobies thing is funny. My husband does stuff like that and iI love it. We're in our 40's, but despite enjoying stuff like that we're both mature and handle our business. The rest of it though...yeah. You're in 2 different life phases. You can wait it out, or move on. Honestly, at this point I'd move on.

men mature later than women, and playing video games can help de-stress after a long tiring day, and what's wrong with bouncing your boobs? I have my own set and I never play with them just cause. he's being cute and you're seeing this as he's not communicating to you his love, maybe you need to talk about what his love language is. but I would also ask why he feels he needs to "stick it to the man" by rebelling against his parents still