OCD or asshole?

By Ellie - 23/07/2024 23:00 - United States

Today, I got home to my grandma yelling at the top of her lungs that I didn't do everything I was supposed to when I was home. I literally washed dishes, cleaned counters, vacuumed, gathered trash, AND cleaned the bathroom. I didn't fold my blankets. That's it. That's what she was yelling about. FML
I agree, your life sucks 489
You deserved it 98

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to whip out the ol' video camera. Or you can only fold your blanket, since that's the only thing your grandma cares about.

Just so you know, when people act that way it's rarely about the person they're directing their anger at.


Time to whip out the ol' video camera. Or you can only fold your blanket, since that's the only thing your grandma cares about.

Just so you know, when people act that way it's rarely about the person they're directing their anger at.