Everyone can be a 7

By Olivia - 24/07/2024 03:00 - United States

Today, I quit dating forever. I’m an overweight girl with glasses. I attempted to put flattering selfies on dating profiles, but the guys run from me or ghost me when I meet them in person. I took a friend’s advice and put honest, full body pics of myself. I got zero messages. None. I give up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 394
You deserved it 319

Same thing different taste

Congratulations, you played yourself

By What have I done - 19/05/2024 10:00 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

Today, I asked a girl from Bumble for a full body pic. She was obese, so I told her it wasn’t gonna work. She then sent a video of her in real time looking slim and told me that picture was from when she was obese, and she'd sent that picture as a “test of my character” and she’s “better off without someone so judgy.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 315
You deserved it 1 244

Top comments

Grincha 14


Sonotsuave 35

I would work on yourself first. Try and diet and exercise, and get invested in your hobbies. Dating will come later


Grincha 14


Sonotsuave 35

I would work on yourself first. Try and diet and exercise, and get invested in your hobbies. Dating will come later

You need some self-love. You make it seem like something is wrong with you because you are overweight with glasses. There is nothing wrong with you at all. You’re not getting any messages because this generation is trash. They tend to judge a book by its cover instead of reading the book to see what it’s really about. What a lot of those people don’t realize is that the quality of physical appearance alters over time. Let’s say you were not overweight and got a partner. You end up having their child and your body changes completely in the process. Heaven forbid you gain some weight coz that superficial jerk will consider you “unattractive” now. Ask yourself, would you stay with someone like that? Don’t rely on getting messages from those idiots. Love yourself first. Put yourself and your needs first. Unfortunately, there are superficial jerks out there who value beauty over personality however not everyone is like that. When you change your mentality about yourself, someone will appreciate all you have to offer.

Big girls can be hot! There is nothing sexier than self-confidence! Be self-confident, extroverted ans you’ll can literally get any guy. Your biggest challenge will be to make the difference between the guy that are simply attracted and want you in their bed and those who really like you. Try to follow that and I’d get you a drink. And probably try to get you to end the night with a make out session 😉

When I worked at Amazon I met multiple people who lost 60lbs in under a year and kept it off. 60 hours weeks, on your feet, and no time for meals. Easily the most effective weight loss program I've ever seen.

I also thumbs down this comment. There's a reason Amazon has a 140% annual employee attrition rate. Just wanted to say a 60lbs drop in a year is totally doable with enough lifestyle changes.

Reading the advice of the other people I can only say be proactrive. Instead of waiting for people to message you, message others. Knowing how hard it is, message other who are in the same place in life, and try to go together into happy relationship.

If you wanted to lose weight it doesn't have to be a big change. I dropped 30lbs in a year just cutting my 2 energy drinks a day habit.

DCTiger74 6

I’m sorry for your pain..,but there ARE guys like me- though I’m an older guy- who love the curves and softness of a more lush woman. Personally for me, entry level is about 250. But guys like me do exist. So…just letting you know.

DCTiger74 6

I’m sorry for your pain..,but there ARE guys like me- though I’m an older guy- who love the curves and softness of a more lush woman. Personally for me, entry level is about 250. But guys like me do exist. So…just letting you know.

Hey, wanna go out? lol I know this sounds creepy AF. But yea, I'd love to go out with you :) Send a message if that's okay