Off script

By Anonymous - 24/05/2011 05:19 - United States

Today, my best friend thought the best time to tell me she was sleeping with my boyfriend was while we were acting in a play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 224
You deserved it 3 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you were playing a part where you both get into a fight, because then the audience won't know any difference when you rip her a new one.

DeadxManxWalking 27

is she your best friend now? & is he your boyfriend still?


monarchy123 1

Smart and foolish. Smart on a selfish note because you can't yell at her onstage. Foolish because you could lose your cool and yell at her onstage and ruin the play or at least the scene. I pierced my cartilage and told my mom in church so she couldn't yell her disapproval at me.

DizzyDaydreams 1

*break time* OP: Hey bff! Ready? Best friend: I slept with your boyfriend. OP: You bitch! *time to go back to the stage* Best friend: Oh Juliet, you foolish little girl. OP: YOU FOOLISH LITTLE ****! SLEEPING WITH ROMEO! *kick off stage* Boyfriend: . . .

ajsciri4 0

that's smart of her, unless you're psychotic and will freak out in front of a whole audience

I'd bead that bitch; play or not. and then I'd beat his ass too. some friends they are..

Igor_g5 0

You need a better class of friends.

stallion2521 0

don't break character!! or you you'll lose the audience

to piss her off, the response after that should be, "Ay, and me with your brother!"

well you should have slapped her and called her a stupid *****...and it would have all looked like it was part of the play! genius!

MzLowrider 0

Man that must of me my beat friend also dis that :(

chaoticnh 0

must've been a good show after that...