Oh mother, I can feel, the soiiiiil falling over my heaaaaaaad

By Anonymous - 24/10/2009 10:27 - United States

Today, I was informed by my next door neighbor that they heard me singing in the shower last night. I laughed and she told me that the family gathers in their upstairs room closest to my bathroom window to guess which song I'm singing. Every night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 607
You deserved it 6 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you were planning to have sex in the shower you better take that off the list. They would probably gather around to figure out which moans were real and which were fake.


xoconnie 8

uuuh thats weird. and how freaking loud are u singing for them to hear you...wtf...?


not an fml more of a ydi for singing so loud but it must mean your voice isnt so bad

what song were u singing-my guess is either "everyerer i go" or "live ur life" thts just my guess

Orchid_fml 2

that's their way of getting you to stop . cuz now you think they're all listening && hopefully you'll be too shy to do it anymore .

Tonight you should sing "Janie's Got a Gun".

I agree with Orchid- they're trying to get you to stop. So keep singing, only more obnoxious songs. And louder.

Improbability 0

I completely agree. Teach them a lesson about invasion of privacy. I would start singing songs that are completely not family appropriate, maybe make up some of my own lyrics... the worst I can think of. Things that are too inappropriate to post. Ah, that's just my vindictive side coming out...

sublime93 0

# 24, restraining order?? For that? You're ******* stupid. And moving out is a pretty retarded option as well. Just stop singing or sing in a different part of your house. Or **** it keep singing