Oh, so cute

By Anonymous - 10/04/2013 04:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went to the store to buy oranges and pick up a pack of condoms. When we were at the checkout counter, my boyfriend happily told the cashier, "The only way we can have sex is if we squeeze oranges all over our bodies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 961
You deserved it 13 221

Same thing different taste


Thats quite funny and it sounds like something my bf would say.

Mortoli 30

Where's a like button when you need it lol

Once me and my boyfriend went to CVS and bought 2 packs of handcuffs and a pack of family-sized condoms. The cashier was mortified.

family-sized condoms thats hilarious

This isn't an fml, that's funny! I'd keep him.

at first I thought it said all over the bodies and I was like ur lucky you didn't get the cops called on you