OK Shaggy

By familydisaster - 05/08/2009 04:13 - United States

Today, I was fired from my job at a local family-ran restaurant. The Reason? The owner's daughter has been stealing money from the register little by little and has blamed me for all the lost money. The boss is still convinced it's me, though, because his daughter would "never tell a lie". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 585
You deserved it 2 520

Same thing different taste


what sucks is that not only did they lose their job but you can't use the boss as reference! hopefully this blame won't affect getting hired somewhere else!!

that's just a lawsuit waiting to happen. a business can NOT fire you for stealing without having concrete proof. talk to a lawyer and get some money out of it.

MrKrypt 0

Yeah that's what I'd do. Sue for wrongful firing. At least you get something out of the whole thing.

DCMurphy 0

Rhode Island doesn't play by those rules... you don't need a reason to let someone go here.

This totally happened to me one time...I know what it's like. FYL

As one, I just wanna say not all "restaurant brats" are lazy and get away with murder. I had no choice but to pick up shifts when my friends called out sick to go party or something. But FYL, that sucks.

I hate it when people assume that their son/daughter is such a little angel and would never do anything wrong. FYL, man, that sucks.

IllegalLight 0

Well you've already been fired, so, might as well get revenge.

I smell sue combined with revenge here.

delfinofrank 0

tell the father to go watch the video camera focused on the register unless they don't have one or maybe the video camera is lying too?!