On hold no more

By Ghosted - 01/06/2024 08:00 - United States

Today, a guy I was seeing’s father passed away. He’d told me he “needed time to grieve” and he’d reach out when he’s ready to talk again. This was a month ago and haven’t heard from him. I just saw my Instagram feed containing a picture of him and his new girlfriend kissing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 490
You deserved it 82

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. From the looks of it, he wasn’t that into you and used his “grief” as a cop-out. If it’s been a month and he completely goes radio silent, major red flag. I know people grieve differently but going 100% silent for a month? And then posts his new boo on social media? No, girl. Move on and find someone who won’t leave you in the dark even during difficult times.

wrecklesswfire 3

I’ll bet his dad didn’t actually die or had passed away a long time ago and he just said that to get rid of you


Ouch. From the looks of it, he wasn’t that into you and used his “grief” as a cop-out. If it’s been a month and he completely goes radio silent, major red flag. I know people grieve differently but going 100% silent for a month? And then posts his new boo on social media? No, girl. Move on and find someone who won’t leave you in the dark even during difficult times.

wrecklesswfire 3

I’ll bet his dad didn’t actually die or had passed away a long time ago and he just said that to get rid of you