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By Anonymous - 24/09/2020 02:01 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, my teacher walked into class and said, "Look to your left and right, one of those persons you just looked at will fail the upcoming exam." When asked why, she said too many people passed last year's exam. She was dead serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 212
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

With such a high failure rate, the teacher doesn't have to look to the left or the right to see a failure -- she just needs to look in the mirror.

Marcella1016 31

I ******* hate teachers that are like that. Like it’s some ******* badge of honor how hard their class is or how many people fail tests. I had a pre-calc and calculus teacher in high school who was absolutely amazing. He made all the concepts SO ******* understandable, and most everyone passed his classes and a lot of us went on to take his AP Calc class - and passed with 4s and 5s (5 is the highest score you can get). I ******* love that man to this day. On the other hand, my freshman year, I went to a shitty school and had a shitty gym teacher. I think the class was called Team Sports. She had some kind of grudge against students and was an UTTER BITCH who liked to ******* fail people. We sat in the class and learned the history and esoteric rules of sports and were rarely allowed into the gym to actually play them. That’s cool - I like learning - but she actively WORKED to trap us with double standards and give us shitty grades. I remember we had some stupid-ass word search to do one day, and she FAILED the majority of the class for crossing through the words rather than circling them. I circled mine in the puzzle, but crossed out the words on the list. She failed me too. When we all told her she never gave us the instruction to circle rather than cross out, she dismissed us saying “Then why did some people circle?” We could not fight her. She constantly did shit like this with every assignment. She was an utter ******* bitch. Like a ******* **** who I loathe to this day. I found out later that she died after I graduated high school, and I was HAPPY. I was like good that ******* bitch got what she deserves. Yes, I hate myself for thinking that, but she really really left a bad taste in my mouth, and she seemed just ******* evil. Like Professor Snape as a dick of a teacher docking points because he hates Gryffindor. This woman hated children and had no business teaching. Sorry for that vent. I’ve been out of high school over a decade and a half, but I think that woman scarred me. I was a good student who got mostly A’s and I managed to get a B in ******* gym. **** YOU MISS HAWKINS, I HOPE THE WEIGHT OF A THOUSAND STUDENTS THAT HATED YOU TORMENTS YOU IN YOUR GRAVE. TL;DR - Only bad teachers try to fail students on purpose. **** them. OP, I suggest that you report your teacher, or talk to your parents to report her, or something. When I think back to high school, I wonder how teachers like that got away with it, and I wish we students took action with the administrators. Good luck and try your best. Even try getting on her good side if that helps. Hope you pass.


With such a high failure rate, the teacher doesn't have to look to the left or the right to see a failure -- she just needs to look in the mirror.

Marcella1016 31

Damn I just wrote like a 10-page thesis on why and how that teacher sucks, and you summed it up in one sentence. 100% agree. Teachers like that are assholes covering up their own failure and taking out their shit on innocent students.

Different countries, different rules. I, once, studied at a university where the professor had to justify himself in front of his colleagues because he had only a 50% failure rate on the final exams. Of course, it was not in the USA, College/University was practically free and it was the declared goal to whittle down the 1200 freshmen down to about 10% before graduation. No Joke, that what was the Dean explained during his introductory speech. Actually, he stated that 10% was optimistic for our year after he looked at us. But education was much cheaper than in the USA.

xllabraxasllx 19

I think this is the best comment I have ever seen you make. Kudos

Marcella1016 31

I ******* hate teachers that are like that. Like it’s some ******* badge of honor how hard their class is or how many people fail tests. I had a pre-calc and calculus teacher in high school who was absolutely amazing. He made all the concepts SO ******* understandable, and most everyone passed his classes and a lot of us went on to take his AP Calc class - and passed with 4s and 5s (5 is the highest score you can get). I ******* love that man to this day. On the other hand, my freshman year, I went to a shitty school and had a shitty gym teacher. I think the class was called Team Sports. She had some kind of grudge against students and was an UTTER BITCH who liked to ******* fail people. We sat in the class and learned the history and esoteric rules of sports and were rarely allowed into the gym to actually play them. That’s cool - I like learning - but she actively WORKED to trap us with double standards and give us shitty grades. I remember we had some stupid-ass word search to do one day, and she FAILED the majority of the class for crossing through the words rather than circling them. I circled mine in the puzzle, but crossed out the words on the list. She failed me too. When we all told her she never gave us the instruction to circle rather than cross out, she dismissed us saying “Then why did some people circle?” We could not fight her. She constantly did shit like this with every assignment. She was an utter ******* bitch. Like a ******* **** who I loathe to this day. I found out later that she died after I graduated high school, and I was HAPPY. I was like good that ******* bitch got what she deserves. Yes, I hate myself for thinking that, but she really really left a bad taste in my mouth, and she seemed just ******* evil. Like Professor Snape as a dick of a teacher docking points because he hates Gryffindor. This woman hated children and had no business teaching. Sorry for that vent. I’ve been out of high school over a decade and a half, but I think that woman scarred me. I was a good student who got mostly A’s and I managed to get a B in ******* gym. **** YOU MISS HAWKINS, I HOPE THE WEIGHT OF A THOUSAND STUDENTS THAT HATED YOU TORMENTS YOU IN YOUR GRAVE. TL;DR - Only bad teachers try to fail students on purpose. **** them. OP, I suggest that you report your teacher, or talk to your parents to report her, or something. When I think back to high school, I wonder how teachers like that got away with it, and I wish we students took action with the administrators. Good luck and try your best. Even try getting on her good side if that helps. Hope you pass.

Only thing I have a complaint about is the Snape comment 😂 I hated him at first but he became one of my favorite characters. Everything he did was out of love, a wee bit of jealousy 🤣 but mostly love

aye_its_gray 4

Damn I don’t even know that teacher and hate her

Marcella1016 31

Hahaha Yolanda we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on that one. I did hesitate to include that comparison because I know there are so many people who die-hard love Snape lol. It’s awesome that in the end his goal was to protect Harry and defeat the Dark Lord, but at the end of the day, he was a jerkwad, every single day, terrorizing Gryffindor students because he was picked on when he was younger. Neville Longbottom could never do anything in his class because he was so terrified. I recall they had a substitute teacher one year and Harry and Neville both performed much better because he wasn’t there making everyone so nervous, putting them down, and threatening to dock points.

Marcella1016 31

Aye_its_gray thanks for that validation :) I did feel bad for the level of emotion I put into the post - I do tend to get passionate when it relates to people being unfairly treated and they’re very unpleasant memories, but I may have gone a bit overboard in describing my feelings about the teacher. Working through letting go of that stuff. This is also in response to another comment that got deleted saying I have a lot of hate in my heart. I really don’t, or try not to, but thanks. I think I just felt a little triggered by the memories. But this is too much about me now lol. Teachers in general are great and it’s unfortunate that they are under-appreciated and underpaid. The good ones are worth their weight in gold, seriously. The system need to be reformed to attract more of the better ones and discourage or fix the more aggressive, unfair ones. Sorry all my posts turn into essays hahaha.

ojoRojo 27

I don’t get it, is she gonna fail people on purpose?

That seems to be the idea. Or she made this years tests and exams much more challenging.

samomaha 17

I would have stood up, excused myself for interrupting her, and said, "I will not waste my valuable and expensive tuition on inept instructors", and left the room to go drop the class. Then file a complaint as Marcella suggested. In college is where I learned to do things like that. I had a French class professor from Lyons, France for a class called "Conversational French" at a 400 level. The final was each student had to lead a 30 minute discussion in French on any topic of the student's choice. On the last day of class, I spoke on the Italian Renaissance. She announced to the class she was going to fail me as she believes that everyone knows the French Renaissance to have been far sujperior. I told her it may well have been, but I wasn't discussing the French Renaissance. I also pointed out that her own description of the conversational class was "a mon avis" ("in my opinion") and that she was stifling my free speech. I said that if she wanted us to lower our discussions to her xenophobic and narrow vision, she should have told us in advance so we could prepare. Then I said that if she had a problem with what I had just said, of if she failed me, we would meet in the dean's office ot discuss this further. And left the room. (By the way, everything I said to her was in flawless French - I wish I could manage that today!) I received my grades and for the Conversational French "A Mon Avis" class, I had an A! (Top grade possible.) She later told me she was impressed with my rant and the quailty of my French!

I have been there. I had a professor once tell an entire class that he had to make the material harder because he got penalized do the high amount of students the past is glass with an A.

toodamntall 9

As a teacher myself, teachers like this tick me off. The mandate of every teacher should be to help as many students pass as possible, and to help them do the best they can. Intentionally making your subject borderline impossible (especially for bragging rights) is asinine, counter intuitive and goes against what being a teacher is all about. So unless she's made the course extremely challenging because she had to, because the school or local teaching authority told her she had to, then she needs to get in the bin.

rotflqtms_ 21

I had teachers who refused to give A's & A+'s. Absolutely hated that. I could earn it on every exam and they'd dock you the final grade based on their belief that none of their students deserved an A or an A+. Class participation, homework, Quizzes, Exams... All top marks (A+) and final grade...a freaking A-... When asked what I lost points on, they'd say "Oh, I don't give A's or A+'s."