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By Anonymous - 10/07/2011 04:18 - United States

Today, after finally sleeping with a girl for the first time in I don't know how long, at some point during sex she managed to completely crush my balls. I acted cool until she left, then I had to wake my parents up at 3 a.m. to take me to the hospital where I was diagnosed testicular bruising. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 872
You deserved it 8 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My favourite part is how she just left when you guys were done. You didn't have to pay for that sex, right? I can't imagine what runs through a hooker's mind when you tell her, "Don't wake my parents..."


That must of been A wild night !! Hahahaha

you must have cool parents. if I told mine that the girl I was shagging crushed my sack they'd just laugh and go back to sleep.

hellojuicyhello 5

aw I'm sorry, I hope u feel better that sucks._.

danz123 7

A few questions, primarily, HOW THE **** DID SHE CRUSH THEM? Did she somehow step on them, or...? You must have a very high pain threshold to be able to keep a straight face after she left and all the way to the hospital. How did the girl not notice that she was crushing them? Just, sorry man. FYL.

HansHansen 8

Crush her **** then, you pussy!

and how did u explain this to your parents and the doctors??

How'd you manage to tell your parents that?

When you're in that much pain, embarrassment kinda goes out the window...