By Anonymous - 10/07/2011 04:18 - United States

By Anonymous - 10/07/2011 04:18 - United States
By Ouch - 22/12/2021 22:59 - Netherlands
By Ballhugger - 06/12/2009 20:42 - Canada
By crushed dreams - 16/06/2011 06:20 - United States
By suosi - 26/07/2015 17:55 - United States - Indianapolis
By Matthew - 10/03/2021 00:30
By inpain - 20/11/2009 15:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/07/2015 00:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/12/2022 00:00
By Anonymous - 12/07/2014 20:19 - United States - Indianapolis
By Anonymous - 25/08/2015 07:32 - United States - San Francisco
That must of been A wild night !! Hahahaha
you must have cool parents. if I told mine that the girl I was shagging crushed my sack they'd just laugh and go back to sleep.
Two by two, balls of blues :D
well at least you got some.
A few questions, primarily, HOW THE **** DID SHE CRUSH THEM? Did she somehow step on them, or...? You must have a very high pain threshold to be able to keep a straight face after she left and all the way to the hospital. How did the girl not notice that she was crushing them? Just, sorry man. FYL.
and how did u explain this to your parents and the doctors??
you should've made her take you.
How'd you manage to tell your parents that?
When you're in that much pain, embarrassment kinda goes out the window...
My favourite part is how she just left when you guys were done. You didn't have to pay for that sex, right? I can't imagine what runs through a hooker's mind when you tell her, "Don't wake my parents..."
How the hell did she manage that?