
By rise - 08/05/2021 10:59

Today, I had a massive, pounding headache. I asked my mom for some painkillers and she said, "No. You don’t deserve pain relief. Ever. For anything." What? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 071
You deserved it 93

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KingAdrock 16

I don't know what planet you're from, but it ain't Earth. "Pain killer" refers to any pain relief medication, not exclusively narcotics. OP very well was likely asking for an OTC pain relief medicine. Also even IF OP was an opioid addict, that doesn't explain his mother saying he: "Doesn't deserve pain relief." Her being a **** does, however.

In the UK we call all of it "painkillers". It's much less common to use the brand names too.


I am confused - On my planet we usually take Tylenol (or it’s generic) or Advil, or aspirin for a headache. While these do relieve pain, they are not usually called “pain killers” which is usually reserved for much stronger pain medications (like opioids). Also sometimes caffeine helps with a headache (coffee, tea, cola). Because of your use of the expression “pain killers” it makes me wonder if you use opioids recreationally and that might possibly explain Mom’s reaction. If in your household “pain killers” is just the ordinary over the counter headache medicines and you do not use opioids recreationally then Mom sounds like a nut job! By the way if the headache is intense and is felt strongest in the temple (right or left front upper corner of the head) and makes you sensitive to light or sounds it’s probably a migraine headache. If these happen often see a doctor - They can be treated. In my case I have to avoid cured meats with nitrates such as most ham, bacon, and many deli meats as that creates a tendency for me to get migraines. There are also medications and treatments that help but common headache remedies don’t help much. The other common headache trigger is if you are used to drinking a fair amount of caffeine (such as energy drinks, coffee, tea, cola) when they wear off that can trigger a headache.

KingAdrock 16

I don't know what planet you're from, but it ain't Earth. "Pain killer" refers to any pain relief medication, not exclusively narcotics. OP very well was likely asking for an OTC pain relief medicine. Also even IF OP was an opioid addict, that doesn't explain his mother saying he: "Doesn't deserve pain relief." Her being a **** does, however.

WTF do you call OTC pain meds then? Candy?

In the UK we call all of it painkillers, including the mild stuff

I have had major operations - They usually refer to the major prescription pain medications as “pain killers”. The ordinary over the counter pain relieving medications are usually referred to by their name such as Tylenol, Advil etc. That’s how it is usually referred to in my corner of this planet earth - Location Southeast USA. Maybe there are some regionalisms I was not aware of. Tylenol, etc, relieve pain they do not “kill the pain” like opioids and major prescription pain medications do.

In the UK we call all of it "painkillers". It's much less common to use the brand names too.

rotflqtms_ 21

And what if you just want whatever pain meds they have and don't have a specific preference tylenol, advil, motrin etc? I'd call anything that could kill my pain pain meds or a pain killers if I didn't have a preference... and I'm from planet earth.

No wonder you have a headache 😢